18 Simple Ways to Keep a Positive Attitude at Work (2024)

In this article, we’ll explore 18 different strategies for maintaining a positive attitude in the workplace. You’ll learn why positivity is essential, not just for personal well-being, but also for job performance and satisfaction. You’ll also discover a range of actionable tips that you can apply to your daily work routine to cultivate a more optimistic mindset.

Key takeaways:

  • Having a positive attitude at work is crucial for both personal well-being and job satisfaction.
  • A positive attitude can be cultivated by surrounding yourself with optimistic people, consuming positive content, and managing the language you use.
  • Daily routines, practicing kindness, and personal mission statements can enhance positivity.
  • Embracing curiosity, long-term thinking, and even “faking it till you make it” can help foster a positive work environment.
  • Positivity isn’t solely dependent on external factors; internal tools such as deep breathing, setting personal goals, and assuming responsibility for your reactions can boost your optimism.

When people think of having a positive attitude, they might think that means showing surface level signs of happiness, like putting a smile on one’s face or trying to think happy thoughts.

But it’s more than that. A positive attitude is something that goes deeper and has an effect beyond surface cheer. Negative attitudes promote fear, while positive attitudes do the opposite and promote a more hopeful outlook on life.

Numerous studies have shown that having a positive outlook on life correlates with better psychological and physical well being, and can even increase your lifespan. A positive person views their life as broad and full of possibilities. That view naturally leads to living your life in a way where you’re exposed to and acquire new skills.

First, why is it important to have a positive attitude at work?

When it comes to the workplace, your mental attitude plays a role not just in how others perceive you, but your job satisfaction and performance. Considering many of us spend around forty hours a week at work, you can see the value of fostering a positive mindset in your job.

A positive attitude makes you happier and more fulfilled at your job. Even if you don’t really like your job, changing your mindset can help you flip the script.

How to stay positive in the workplace: 18 helpful tips

Here are some simple, yet helpful, ways to maintain a positive attitude in the workplace, regardless of whether it comes naturally or not.

1. Surround yourself with positive people.

The old saying “birds of a feather flock together” can be viewed two ways. Either people who are similar naturally find each other, or people in a group become the same over time.

Surround yourself with positive people.

Who you hang around with rubs off on you. If you’re always with negative people who complain about everything, you’ll become a complainer and see the world as negative as they do. You might think you can stay positive and change them, but that’s not going to be the case. Try to connect with people who like their job, have new ideas, and are interested in lots of other things besides work. It’ll make your whole outlook better.

You can’t always pick your coworkers, but you can be cautious about how much time you spend with them, and in what setting. If you’re stuck with a negative bunch, be careful not to participate in the negativity. Take breaks and go for a walk rather than immerse yourself in negative breakroom drama and gossip.

Read also: Signs Your Employees Are Overworked—And What To Do About It

2. Fill your mind with positive input.

The same way that the people you are around change you to be more like them, so is what you feed your mind.

Listen to positive music with headphones. Listen to uplifting audio books on the drive into work. Read books that are encouraging. Watch videos and listen to podcasts that are positive or help you improve skills.

If “you are what you eat” holds true for your body, your mind is what you feed it.

3. Control your language.

No, this isn’t about the language police or trying to swear less (although the latter is probably a good idea). This is about being conscious of the words you use when speaking and thinking.

The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis (which played heavily into the movie “Arrival”) suggests that the structure of language affects a person’s view of the world, and the way they think. Taken to the furthest extent, your language actually limits or delineates how you are able to perceive the world.

It’s a hypothesis, granted.

But on a smaller level, the language you use every day, both in thought and spoken word, has a cumulative effect on how you think about yourself, your work, and those around you.

This may seem like a silly example, but it might be the difference between seeing your day as filled with tasks, or filled with opportunities. The former is tiring and arduous, making you feel trapped in a daily grind. The latter is exciting with potential.

Be aware of how you choose to think and speak at work. Find a positive way to view everything and everyone.

4. Create a routine for the day.

Routines get a bad rap.

It’s easy to think that if you have a routine at work, you’re stuck in a rut or you’re not “flexible.” The truth is, though, that routines give us good fall-back structure. A morning routine is especially good, since for many people, the morning is both when we’re most alert and awake yet sometimes not able to buckle down and get started.

Create a routine that helps you get the most important work done, take breaks at the right time, and leave the last hour or so of the work day for less arduous work and preparation for the next day. Most of us get tired by the end of the day, so don’t leave tough work for then. It’s important to end each day by getting prepared for the next.

Related read: How to Improve Your Team’s Work Ethic

5. Be nice to other people.

Being kind to other people makes you happy.

A study in the Journal of Social Psychology found that doing something kind for people has the same effect as trying new and exciting things when it comes to feeling happy.

Even better?

A study in the Journal of Happiness Studies found that the memory of doing something kind for someone causes us to want to do it again.

If you make being nice to other people a regular thing, it’ll become a cycle of generosity and happiness that makes you feel good and causes those around you to feel happy as well.

Think of the worst negative work environment possible. Negativity feeds on more negativity until it seems overwhelming. Be nice to other people and watch them pay it forward.

If your work is difficult and you can’t get away from that, and finding a positive attitude about the work itself is a challenge, be kind to the people around you and let that be an effective substitute.

Appreciating and recognizing coworkers can go a long way in making your day better.

Bonus tip: To create a supportive, positive work atmosphere for everyone, check out team building games.

6. Don’t rely on an outside source of positivity.

Carry a positive attitude with you.

Think of a positive attitude like a survival tool: carry it with you at all times for emergencies.

Whether you rely on a phrase that you repeat over and over when times are stressful or you have some other trick to help resurrect and keep a positive attitude, be sure to come up with a mechanism that doesn’t rely on someone else or a specific situation.

7. Create high points in each day and week.

One of the best parts of an exciting vacation is the days leading up to it, when you have it to look forward to. Knowing something good is coming can make otherwise dreary days more bearable.

You can create the same effect by creating small “high points” each day to help you get through projects or days that might otherwise seem draining. This is why taking breaks is important, but not every break is as valuable as they could be.

A few suggestions:

  • Don’t turn to unhealthy food as a reward. You’ll end up with negative effects and a bad habit for junk food or excessive coffee.
  • Take breaks outside or away from work when possible.
  • Consider a walk, solitude, silence—whatever sounds good and is doable where you work.
  • Find a place to read a book not related to work.

Daily high points should be small and simple, not requiring money or creating a habit that could have negative effects on your health or budget if you do them every day (e.g. walk to the bakery for a donut and coffee every day). Weekly or monthly high points can be a bit bigger. Maybe every Thursday you eat lunch at a restaurant nearby instead of bringing in your own lunch. Whatever it is, create something to look forward to.

8. Assume responsibility, and choose your response.

Refusing to take responsibility for your actions and your situation, or not taking control of how you respond, kills a positive attitude immediately.

After all, if something happens and you’re at fault or in some way responsible, refusing to acknowledge it means you can’t correct the behavior and it will happen again, and you also set yourself up for a victimhood mindset in which things happen to you.

You will be more positive seeing life as something you have some control over rather than at the mercy of fate. Think of it as an equation: E + R = O (event + response = outcome). How you respond has an effect on the outcome, even when events are out of your control.

Related read: 70 Awesome Ways to Motivate Employees

9. Decide your reaction to known problems ahead of time.

Whether it’s clients or coworkers or regular projects, there are some things at work that you are always going to dread dealing with.

You know they upset you. Decide beforehand that they will not.

If a client always has to make changes, expect it. Choose to be calm about it, to not let it bother you. Try to look at the client or coworker that’s driving you nuts in a different way. Maybe they are having a bad time at home, or they are stressed themselves.

10. Breathe deeply.

Breathing deeply tricks your body into calming down. Calm people have better attitudes.

If you find yourself getting a bad attitude about something, find a place where you can be alone, and do some deep breathing exercises. Not only does it reduce stress, but it helps you clear your mind and see the situation in a different way.

11. Make a mission statement.

Do you have a personal mission statement?

Where you work probably has a mission statement, but you should have one yourself.

A personal mission statement will help you define your purpose at work, what your life is about, and what motivates your behavior. It’s a good thing to fall back on when work gets crazy and you’re confused about what it is you’re doing.

When you feel like you have purpose, you can be positive. When you feel like you don’t have a purpose or you don’t know what you’re doing at work…not so much.

12. Have personal goals.

Goals are a bit different from personal mission statements in that they are specific things you want to achieve. They’re kind of like rewards, in that they give you something to look forward to.

However, goals aren’t just “fun in the future,” but are the actual guides that you use to achieve.

It’s tough to be positive if you think you’re going nowhere. Goals are proof that you have a plan and you’re working towards something. They are evidence of forward, positive motion.

13. Remember that no one owes you anything.

One of the worst killers of a good attitude is going through life thinking people owe you.

No one owes you anything. Life’s not fair. Believing anything else sets you up to be in a constant state of blame, victimhood, anger, passive-aggressiveness, and joylessness. Negativity is the standard state of existence if you think the world owes you.

How do you get rid of an attitude of entitlement?

  • It’s up to me to make things happen.
  • Hard work is what brings good things.
  • I have to be willing to accept change quickly.
  • When things are difficult, I still keep going.

If those four concepts are in your head, you’re not going to be wallowing in negativity waiting for the world to do something for you.

14. Stop complaining.

We mentioned how you need to control your language. That obviously covers complaining, but complaints are such a huge issue that they warrant their own section.

Stop complaining.

Complaining does nothing. If you’re around people who complain a lot, get away from them. Try to see the situation in a positive or different light.

Complaints are a way of seeing everything in a negative light without considering any other explanation. It’s a one-way road to dissatisfaction that builds the further you travel it.

15. Embrace laughter.

Laughing is good for you physically, and of course, it helps you feel much better. Who doesn’t love a good laugh?

Humor is especially good when things are going terribly wrong. Who doesn’t love the guy who, in the middle of some nightmare project, offers a quip that suddenly makes the entire mess seem hilarious? Be that guy. Try to find humor wherever you can.

Laughing with people is different from laughing at them. Never joke about others to get a laugh at their expense.

See also: 5 Ways Employee Culture Impacts Your Bottom Line

16. Be curious and embrace learning.

A mind that is closed to learning new things grows stagnant and negative. Change, new ideas, or any additional task becomes onerous to someone like that.

Be a person who is willing to learn and is curious about many things. Your attitude will be positive because you are forward-looking and want to understand instead of being closed off. Being curious about a new situation or what’s going on makes you mindful and aware of the present moment, and that tends to force out negative attitudes.

17. Look long-term instead of short-term.

When the situation is difficult in the short-term, adjust your vision to the long-term.

Short-term situations tend to be heavy on emotion. Making decisions or taking action based on that is not only a bad idea, but tends to feed negative attitudes. Viewing things in the long-term, on the other hand, make the challenges of the now seem much less terrible because the bigger picture reveals an exciting outcome.

While it’s not good to live in a realm of make-believe, thinking realistically in the long-term provides a positive spin to your day and helps you construct those goals we mentioned earlier.

Check out: 12 Great Employee Retention Strategies

18. Fake it until you make it.

No, this is not a call to be a hypocrite.

The reality is, though, that sometimes we don’t always “feel” the emotion we want. Sitting around waiting for it to come upon us is a sure way to make certain it never comes. You often have to fake it until the real deal arrives.

Don’t feel happy? Don’t feel excited about a presentation? Fake it. More often than not, the real emotion will show up. You’re not going to feel super excited and positive every day, but don’t let that stop you from the behavior that goes along with it, anyway.

Drive your emotions; don’t let them drive you.

There are many ways to keep a positive work attitude

At age 76, Gen. MacArthur said: “You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt; as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fear; as young as your hope, as old as your despair. In the central place of every heart, there is a recording chamber; so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer and courage; so long as you are young. When your heart is covered with snows of pessimism and the ice of cynicism, then and only then are you grown old.”

Take this list of ways to keep a positive attitude. Add to it the tricks you’ve figured out on your own. And then, do it. Constantly. Do the work of keeping a positive attitude alive at work. It will have a huge impact on your entire life, and in the lives around you.

One bonus way to give your employees a positive attitude at work is to give them the benefits they want, like flexible scheduling and better communication. You can do that with When I Work. Start your free 14-day trial today!

Keeping a positive attitude at work: FAQs

Why is maintaining a positive attitude at work important?

A positive attitude at work is essential for personal well-being, job satisfaction, and overall performance. It can foster a more collaborative and productive work environment, and positively affect your career progression.

How can I cultivate a positive attitude at work?

Cultivating a positive attitude at work can be achieved by implementing various strategies such as surrounding yourself with optimistic individuals, engaging in positive reading, and consciously managing your language.

Additionally, practicing daily routines, displaying kindness, and developing a personal mission statement can enhance your positive outlook.

Can I enhance positivity at work through my actions?

Yes, actions such as embracing curiosity, thinking long-term, and even adopting the “fake it till you make it” approach can foster a positive work environment. These actions can influence not only your personal attitude but also the overall mood of your workplace.

How can internal tools help in maintaining a positive attitude at work?

Internal tools like deep breathing exercises can help reduce stress and promote a more positive attitude; moreover, setting personal goals can provide a sense of purpose and forward motion, enhancing positivity.

Taking responsibility for your reactions also promotes a sense of control, which can contribute to a positive outlook.

How can I stay positive at work when faced with challenges?

Maintaining a positive attitude in challenging situations involves strategies like “faking it till you make it”, viewing situations from a long-term perspective, and embracing learning and curiosity.

These strategies can help you to stay focused, resilient, and positive even in the face of adversity.

18 Simple Ways to Keep a Positive Attitude at Work (2024)


18 Simple Ways to Keep a Positive Attitude at Work? ›

Smiling, having relaxed and open body language, and ensuring that you project an image of positivity will all ensure that the people you work with think of you as someone who is enthusiastic and energised, as well as helping to lift your mood if you're struggling a little.

How to keep a positive attitude in the workplace? ›

15 Ways To Have A Positive Attitude At Work
  1. Develop a Solid Morning Routine. You don't have to be a morning person to get the day off to a good start. ...
  2. Practice Gratitude. ...
  3. Live Healthily. ...
  4. Celebrate Often. ...
  5. Keep Learning. ...
  6. Take Breaks. ...
  7. Maintain Balance. ...
  8. Build Friendships with Coworkers.
May 3, 2023

What are 10 positive attitudes? ›

Let's explore five traits people with a positive mental attitude embody.
  • Resilience. In positive psychology, resilience is being able to recover from stressful and challenging life events. ...
  • Courage. ...
  • Optimism. ...
  • Gratitude. ...
  • Acceptance. ...
  • Changing your perspective. ...
  • Smiling and being kind to others. ...
  • Practicing self-compassion.
Nov 8, 2021

What are the ways to maintain a positive attitude? ›

Following are some ways to think and behave in a more positive and optimistic way:
  • Identify areas to change. ...
  • Check yourself. ...
  • Be open to humor. ...
  • Follow a healthy lifestyle. ...
  • Surround yourself with positive people. ...
  • Practice positive self-talk.

What are the six steps to maintaining a positive attitude? ›

If you find yourself coming into contact with negative attitudes, take these 6 steps to help maintain a positive attitude.
  1. Avoid them (if possible)Distance yourself, when you can. ...
  2. Acknowledge (without agreeing) ...
  3. Remember to separate behavior from the person. ...
  4. Model the best attitude. ...
  5. Be positive. ...
  6. Let it go.

What are three positive attitudes at work? ›

Smiling, having relaxed and open body language, and ensuring that you project an image of positivity will all ensure that the people you work with think of you as someone who is enthusiastic and energised, as well as helping to lift your mood if you're struggling a little.

How to bring positivity into the workplace? ›

  1. Show Genuine Interest. The best way to express positive energy is to show a genuine interest in others. ...
  2. Give Positive Feedback. ...
  3. Share Your Knowledge. ...
  4. Avoid Criticizing. ...
  5. Stay Present. ...
  6. Dismiss Drama And Gossip. ...
  7. Lead With Empathy. ...
  8. Spread Positivity Throughout Your Life.
May 16, 2022

What is an example of a positive attitude at work? ›

Examples of positive attitudes in the workplace involve proactively solving problems, embracing change with optimism, and mentoring colleagues, enhancing team dynamics and overall workplace positivity.

How to tell someone to be more positive at work? ›

Performance reviews – what to say to an employee with a negative attitude
  1. Make sure they know in advance that attitude is something you evaluate. ...
  2. Discuss how their approach affects results. ...
  3. Focus on the positive. ...
  4. Listen to their point of view. ...
  5. Begin sentences with "we" and "I," not "you."
Mar 18, 2022

What is the key to a positive attitude? ›

Practice positive affirmations or mantras. Try the Best Possible Self exercise (imagine yourself in your best possible future, and write about it). Volunteer and commit your time and efforts to helping others. Take control of the things you can, and accept the things you can't.

What are the three great positive thinking? ›

While positive thinking approaches may vary, incorporating these techniques into your daily routine can significantly impact your life. By regularly practicing affirmations, visualization, and gratitude, you can train your mind to think more positively and enhance overall well-being.

How to get a positive mindset? ›

Whichever way your default attitude leans, positive thinking is a habit you can develop with practice.
  1. Engage in Positive Self-Talk. ...
  2. Practice Gratitude. ...
  3. Identify Areas for Improvement. ...
  4. Spend Time with Positive People. ...
  5. Take Care of Your Physical Health. ...
  6. Remember to Laugh. ...
  7. Treat Your Self. ...
  8. Develop Morning & Evening Routines.
Nov 10, 2022

How to stay positive even in hard times? ›

Tips for Staying Positive in Difficult Times
  1. Always look for the good side of things. ...
  2. Practice daily gratitude. ...
  3. Visualize a positive result. ...
  4. Surround yourself with positive people. ...
  5. Accept your emotions. ...
  6. Set small, achievable goals. ...
  7. Learn from experience. ...
  8. Practice self-care regularly.
Sep 26, 2023

How do I start a positive attitude everyday? ›

10 Creative Ways to Keep a Positive Attitude
  1. Start a gratitude journal.
  2. Treat yourself to some self-care every day.
  3. Start every morning strong.
  4. Avoid spreading gossip.
  5. Crack more jokes.
  6. Take real breaks.
  7. Have something to look forward to after work.
  8. Practice meditation.
Nov 10, 2023

How do I fix my negative attitude at work? ›

6 steps to tackle employees with bad attitudes
  1. Discuss the issue privately with the employee. ...
  2. Make it clear this is about managing a bad attitude, not poor performance. ...
  3. Educate, don't berate. ...
  4. Be specific about what is and isn't acceptable. ...
  5. Find the root cause of the employee's bad attitude.
Mar 21, 2024

What are five tips for developing a positive attitude? ›

33 Tips on How to Have & Keep a Positive Mindset in Life and at Work
  • Start the day with positive affirmations (scroll down to see some example affirmations).
  • Focus on the good things, however small they are.
  • Find humor in bad situations.
  • Turn failures into lessons—and learn from them!
Jul 5, 2018

What is an example of a positive attitude you display in the workplace? ›

Examples of positive attitudes in the workplace involve proactively solving problems, embracing change with optimism, and mentoring colleagues, enhancing team dynamics and overall workplace positivity.

How do you maintain a motivated attitude in the workplace? ›

How to maintain a motivated attitude in the workplace
  1. Create meaningful relationships with your coworkers.
  2. Set smart goals to motivate yourself.
  3. Focus on your skills and achievements.
  4. Get some rest.
  5. Create and maintain a routine.
  6. Create a reward system for yourself and your coworkers.

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.