Antlers for Dogs: Are These Treats Safe for Dogs to Chew? (2024)

Antlers for Dogs: Are These Treats Safe for Dogs to Chew? (1)

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Dogs love chewing on bones and antlers. This fact is reinforced in cartoons, the media, advertising, and even in our speech. But are antlers for dogs safe to chew?

On the surface, antlers for dogs seem like the perfect object for our pets to chew on. Antlers do not appear to splinter as easily as bones or other toys. They last a long time, saving you money on chew toys for powerful chewers. They also appeal to our sense of what is “natural” for our dogs.

However, antlers can pose some hazards that you should consider before you buy the antler treat you’ve been eyeing at the pet store.

Types of Antler Chews for Dogs

Natural antler dog chews can come from a variety of sources. Each type has different textures. Deer antlers for dogs can have a harder texture than other varieties of antlers. They come in a wide range of sizes, so you can select the right fit for your dog’s size and chewing behavior.

Elk antlers for dogs are usually large in size, and can often be available in a split form. Elk antlers vary in density, depending on which part of the antler is selected. Moose antlers for dogs are softer than other antlers, and are often sold in different slices and shapes to choose what works for your individual dog. You can even find other types of “antler” chews that are made from water buffalo horns.

Antlers for Dogs and Dental Health

Perhaps the biggest irony when it comes to hard chews like antlers is that we, as owners, believe we are helping to keep our dogs’ teeth clean. After all, chewing helps reduce plaque and tartar buildup, and it also redirects destructive tendencies and anxiety into an acceptable outlet. For owners of powerful chewers that destroy conventional chew toys in a manner of hours, antlers may seem like a gift from nature herself.

Antlers for Dogs: Are These Treats Safe for Dogs to Chew? (2)

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You should consider, though, that antlers and other excessively hard chews are a common cause of broken teeth in dogs. Broken teeth are extremely painful and can lead to abscesses and infections. While your dog’s suffering is usually enough of a reason to avoid hard chews, a broken tooth typically costs hundreds of dollars in repair or removal.

Avoiding Health Complications From Antlers

Dental problems are one possible complication associated with antlers. The hard surface can cause your dog’s gums to bleed, and although that is not always serious, it can be uncomfortable.

The most serious issue, however, is internal. Antlers that break or splinter can get lodged in your dog’s mouth, throat, or intestines, causing dangerous blockages that could require emergency surgery.

Dogs left unsupervised to chew antlers are especially at risk, since you may not know that they have swallowed part of their antler until they have started showing symptoms, or worse, choked on it.

But My Dog Loves Antlers!

Not all dogs will have problems with antlers. Some owners give antlers to their dogs for years without any problems, but that is not a guarantee that antlers are safe, no matter how much your dog loves them.

While most veterinarians advise staying away from antlers for dogs, if you do choose to give your dog an antler, it is a good idea to supervise them while your dog chews on it (or any chew toy).

Alternatives to Antlers for Dogs

It can feel, sometimes, like nothing is safe for dogs anymore. Bones, antlers, rawhide, and other chews are all controversial when used as chew toys for dogs, and they all carry potential health risks.

Antlers for Dogs: Are These Treats Safe for Dogs to Chew? (3)

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If you’re concerned about your dog’s ability to safely antler chews, consider buying chew toys that have little flexibility. You should also pick chew toys that don’t fit all the way into your dog’s mouth. This helps protect aggressive chewers and may reduce the risk of choking and obstruction. Your veterinarian is a great resource for recommendations of safe chew toys, and you can also check out this list of veterinarian-approved chews from the Veterinary Oral Health Council.

No matter what chew toy or object you decide to go with, always make sure you get the right size for your dog. Look out for any recalls, especially if you select a jerky chew product or another food product.

Antlers for Dogs: Are These Treats Safe for Dogs to Chew? (2024)


Antlers for Dogs: Are These Treats Safe for Dogs to Chew? ›

Deer antlers are considered safe for your dog to chew and will provide a stimulating and nutritious snack they'll keep coming back to.

Do vets recommend antlers for dogs? ›

Vets do not recommend antlers or bones, as they are a common cause of an emergency vet visit when a tooth (or teeth) crack.

Is it safe to let dogs chew on antlers? ›

The short answer is NO! Antlers can break your dog's teeth or cause gastrointestinal blockages. The biggest risk to your dog from chewing on antlers is broken teeth.

Can dogs crack teeth on antlers? ›

For the record, deer antlers are essentially bones with a hard exterior. So, if a dog bites on it with too much pressure, their teeth can break or chip, leading to pain and potential long-term dental health issues. Additionally, antlers can harbor bacteria, which may cause adverse reactions or infections if ingested.

What do vets recommend for dogs to chew on? ›

Instead of hard bones, consider a rubber toy that you can fill with cheese, peanut butter, treats, or anything flexible or passes the thumbnail test as mentioned above!

Why do vets not recommend antlers? ›

Antlers that break or splinter can get lodged in your dog's mouth, throat, or intestines, causing dangerous blockages that could require emergency surgery.

How long should I let my dog chew on an antler? ›

They are long-lasting, often lasting several weeks or even months depending on the size and chewing habits of the dog. Unlike some other types of chews, antler dog chews are unlikely to splinter or break apart, making them a safe option for dogs to chew on.

How long should I allow my dog to chew on an antler? ›

Antlers naturally contain sodium, which can cause health issues for your dog if consumed in large quantities. Chewing these treats for 30 minutes a day is enough for your furry friend to make the most of their nutritional benefits.

What is inside an antler? ›

Inside the hard, protective shell is the marrow. Just like our own bones, antler bone marrow is the spongy tissue that carries oxygen throughout the body and can help fight infection. Within bone and marrow are many essential nutrients needed for bone to grow and for the body to use.

Why do dogs like chewing on antlers? ›

Your dog has a natural chewing need, inherited from its wolf ancestors. Chewing on deer antlers releases positive brain chemicals like endorphins or happy hormones. Hence deer antler chews keep your dog happy and provides them with a feeling of peace and well-being.

Why are dogs obsessed with antlers? ›

The dogs that appreciate chewing antlers the most are typically younger dogs that just love to chew. Chewing antlers is very good for dogs in many ways. It helps keep their teeth clean, expends energy, keeps dogs out of trouble and out from underfoot. Deer antlers for dogs are also full of nutrients such as calcium.

What can I give my dog to stop chewing everything? ›

Teach what to chew
  • Take responsibility for your own belongings. ...
  • Give your dog toys that are clearly distinguishable from household goods. ...
  • Supervise your dog until they are consistently chewing on appropriate items. ...
  • Give your dog plenty of physical and mental exercise. ...
  • Build toys into your daily routine.

Do vets approve of Nylabones? ›

How do you choose the right chew toys for your dog? Many toys can harm your dog's digestive tract or create blockages. As the best veterinarians in Apex, we recommend that dog owners avoid animal bones and other excessively hard chew toys such as cow hooves, Nylabones and deer antlers.

What do you give an aggressive chewers? ›

Bully Sticks

These dog chews are easily digested and do not splinter. They range in thickness and length, so you can pick one that works for your pet. Once your aggressive chewer has chewed it down to a nub, take it away before they can swallow what's left.

Do deer antlers for dogs smell? ›

The structure of an antler is a hardened honeycomb bone-like tissue, meaning antler dog chews are long lasting, and low in fat. They are also odourless, and unlike many other dog treats, do not become slimy or out of date, meaning your dog can keep coming back to this tasty treat.

Is deer antler better than goat horn for dogs? ›

Goat horns are keratin so they're softer than deer antler, making them ideal for adult dogs. Keratin based. Includes marrow. It's a natural product that promotes good dental health.

Are deer or elk antlers better for dogs? ›

Elk antlers are typically larger in size and less dense than deer antlers, making them ideal for dogs who suffer from anxiety or have a gentle chewing style. The fact that they are less dense means they tend to break down more quickly, which can be helpful for puppies or less aggressive chewers.

Is deer antler powder good for dogs? ›

It is packed full of tasty minerals and nutrients including Ash, Protein, Fibre, Calcium, Phosphorous, Magnesium, Iron, Sodium and Potassium. These are great for your dog. Furthermore antler powder can be given to dogs with sensitive stomachs or those on a controlled diet.

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