Broccoli Bites Recipe (2024)

Broccoli Bites Recipe (1)

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Saturated Fat *IS* Healthy!

Food Renegade

challenging politically correct nutrition

by Kristen Michaelis CNC 59 Comments | Affiliate Disclosure

Broccoli bites double as a crowd-pleasing appetizer or a kid-friendly lunch. Really, they’re quite clever. Who doesn’t love broccoli surrounded by melted cheese? Broccoli bites serve up both broccoli and cheese, but packaged as a finger food! Paired with a maple-dijon dipping sauce, they quickly become a favorite.

Inspired by the popularity of a similar appetizer served at Bennigan’s restaurants, I wanted to adapt it to be 1)actually healthy, and 2)easy. The Bennigan’s version contains bacon and onions and is served up fried in nasty vegetable oil. While I’d normally be all over adding bacon and onions to just about anything, I also wanted to keep this simple so that I could throw it together quickly.

So, this recipe for Broccoli Bites was born.

Broccoli Bites Recipe

(adapted from Stacey Snacks)

Broccoli Bites: The Players

Broccoli Bites: The How-To
Preheat oven to 375F. Mix all ingredients together in a bowl.

Use your hands to roll the mixture into 1 inch, bite-sized balls. Place balls on lightly greased parchment paper.

Bake for 25-30 minutes, or until brown. Serve with the Maple-Dijon Dipping Sauce.

Maple-Dijon Dipping Sauce

Maple-Dijon Dipping Sauce: The Players

Maple-Dijon Dipping Sauce: The How-To
Simply stir all ingredients together and serve! YUMMILICIOUS!

For more delicious recipes similar to this one (low-carb, high-fat), I highly recommend the Wicked Good Ketogenic Diet Cookbook.

Broccoli Bites Recipe (3)

Learn all about how to eat to force your body to burn fat. This book is jam packed with 156 delicious fat-shredding recipes that will help you burn fat like crazy. Even stubborn belly and thigh fat won’t stand a chance because your body will have NO CHOICE but to burn that fat for fuel!

At the moment, the printed version of this cookbook is 100% free to Food Renegade readers. You just cover shipping & handling.

(photo by staceysnacks)

Broccoli Bites Recipe (5)

About the Author

Kristen Michaelis CNC has been a Health and Nutrition Educator since 2008. Founder and CEO of Food Renegade, she's a passionate advocate for REAL FOOD -- food that's sustainable, organic, local, and traditionally-prepared according to the wisdom of our ancestors. She earned a Bachelor of Arts (summa cum laude) from Dallas Baptist University in Philosophy and Biblical Studies, then began her post-graduate journey as a researcher in the fields of health and nutrition. While she adores hats & happy skirts, nothing inspires her quite like geeking out over nutrition & sustainable agriculture. Nutrition educator & author of the go-to book on nutrition for fertility, she's also a rebel with a cause who enjoys playing in the rain, a good bottle of Caol Isla scotch, curling up with a page-turning book, sunbathing on her hammock, and parenting her three children as they grow into young adults.

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  1. Broccoli Bites Recipe (6)Katy Costa via Facebook says

    Gonna try these tonight I think!


  2. Broccoli Bites Recipe (8)Katy Costa via Facebook says

    I will!!


  3. Broccoli Bites Recipe (9)Jennifer McCuller Gray via Facebook says

    Can’t wait to try these. My kids would LOVE this!!!


  4. Broccoli Bites Recipe (10)Amaria George Parker via Facebook says

    Looks great! I love the idea of finger-food-izing veggies!


  5. Broccoli Bites Recipe (11)Beth says

    Heavens….I am envisioning all KINDS of adaptations to this! Cauliflower! Well drained cooked spinach! I can hardly wait to race home and make some!


    • Broccoli Bites Recipe (12)KristenM says

      I know! Bacon and onions do really well in it, and different kinds of cheese make for interesting takes on it as well. I’ve even stirred in some sun dried tomatoes!


    • Broccoli Bites Recipe (15)KristenM says

      Yes, but not in the same quantities. Coconut flour absorbs a lot of liquid, so you’d want to use a lot less of it. I’d start experimenting with 1/4c. instead of a full cup and transition from there.

      Also, you’ll probably need to add more eggs if you use coconut flour.


      • Broccoli Bites Recipe (16)Carolina says

        Yes!! Success!! Thanks for tips on getting the flour and eggs right. I used 1/3 C. coconut flour and 6 eggs. Plus I think I had closer to a pound and a half of broccoli. These were the surprise hit at dinner time with my hubs and 4 and 2 year olds!! Thank you!


        • Broccoli Bites Recipe (17)KristenM says

          Good to know! Thanks for sharing.


  6. Broccoli Bites Recipe (19)Katie says

    I’m dying to make this. However, I’m allergic to almonds. What other type of flour would you recommend?


    • Broccoli Bites Recipe (20)KristenM says

      You could use any kind of sprouted grain flour. They’d have a slightly different texture, but would be basically the same.


  7. Broccoli Bites Recipe (21)Suzanne says

    They sound wonderful. How are they at room temperature. Sounds like they would be a nice lunch box treat to take on my traveling job.


    • Broccoli Bites Recipe (22)KristenM says

      I like them warm, but not hot. Room temperature is okay, just not as awesome. 🙂


  8. Broccoli Bites Recipe (24)Joe says

    Well, after watching my 4 1/2 year old look like I served him Drano tonight when I put two pieces of broccoli on his plate, this looks like a good bridge for him as I try to work more veggies into his diet.

    Thanks for sharing!


    • Broccoli Bites Recipe (25)KristenM says

      You’re welcome. Hope he enjoys it!


  9. Broccoli Bites Recipe (26)Gayle says

    Sounds awesome! Stupid question: Do I cook the broccoli first or not? I’m guessing not, but I’d hate to ruin them! Gonna try this asap with sprouted wheat flour. My kids actually love broccoli, so they might love these too. Thanks!


    • Broccoli Bites Recipe (27)Fran says

      Did you end up making these; and did you cook the broccoli first? I was questioning that as well.


  10. Broccoli Bites Recipe (28)Mel says

    So happy to have stumbled upon this website. thank you so much.


  11. Broccoli Bites Recipe (29)Stephani says

    Ok, so I thought what a wonderful way for me to get my fat % up and still get a vegie! LOL…I didn’t have almond flour so used coconut flour. Dry and odd and I don’t know…didn’t turn out well…they look so good in the picture!

    Also, any chance someone knows the calories/fat/carb dietary info on them???


    PS, my husband liked them oddly enough!!! LOL


    • Broccoli Bites Recipe (30)KristenM says

      Did you do what I suggested to Carolina above for adapting the recipe to use coconut flour? Because coconut flour is so dry, you need to radically reduce the amount of flour used AND increase your eggs.

      • Broccoli Bites Recipe (31)Stephani says

        nope! LOL…I didn’t see this til today rats!
        So I didn’t use as much flour..but still used 3/4 cup…and next time will use more eggs! I also noted that in the Stacy site, she used Mozzarella…so that is why the picts look different. Any particular reason you chose cheddar instead???
        I’m new to all this eat more fat idea…really good with the eat whole food, the way it was created and get away from all the grains and processed food! I’m so happy to have found this site!


  12. Broccoli Bites Recipe (32)Becky @ Pure Vitality says

    Going to try these broccoli bites tonight. Thanks for the recipe, it sounds great and I’ll let you know how the family likes it.


  13. Broccoli Bites Recipe (33)City Share says

    Wow, those sound great. We have been avoiding grain and needing some new inspiration. These are just what we were looking for. Thanks.


  14. Broccoli Bites Recipe (34)Jennifer Gray says

    Just made these and WOW! They are great! I really like the maple Dijon sauce. It would be excellent on chicken!


  15. Broccoli Bites Recipe (35)Againstthegrain says

    Mmmmm! Just made these tonight for my husband and I. I think even broccoli haters will like them; they also would be good to serve to lacto-ovo vegetarians, as they are rather “meaty” in texture. My husband said these were very much like falafel, but much, much better. The sauce pairing was perfect, too.

    I probably didn’t chop the broccoli quite fine enough on this first attempt, so next time I’ll cut the stems and florets coarsely, then pulse them in the food processor. And for those wondering, no, the broccoli isn’t cooked first. Rolling the semi-crumbly/sticky mixture into balls didn’t work well for me, but gently squeezing them into ball shapes worked fine as long as I placed them very gently on the baking pan. Next time I might use a cookie dough scoop to make sure they are more uniformly sized. They can be spaced rather close together, too – almost touching. I baked them in a large convection toaster oven and they fit perfectly on a 12″ square baking pan.

    I’m also thinking this mixture would be very good pressed into a buttered casserole or loaf pan.


  16. Broccoli Bites Recipe (36)Jo-Lynne {Musings of a Housewife} says

    These look divine! We are gluten free and also allergic to tree nuts. What would you recommend replacing the almond flour with? Can I use brown rice flour? Thanks!


    • Broccoli Bites Recipe (37)Nicole says

      I left the flour completely. I used quinoa flour. It was tasty. Hopefully this helps.


  17. Broccoli Bites Recipe (38)JennyBakes says

    I made these tonight and they were very good! Thanks for sharing the recipe!


  18. Broccoli Bites Recipe (39)Kelly says

    Could these be made in advance, frozen, and then baked just prior to serving? If not, maybe made & baked and then frozen? Looking for crative and fun ways to have a healthy lunch, but don’t always feel like doing much work mid day. TIA!


  19. Broccoli Bites Recipe (40)Patti says

    Mine tasted great, but fell apart, suggestions?


    • Broccoli Bites Recipe (41)Marlene says

      Mine fell apart also, even after another egg.


  20. Broccoli Bites Recipe (42)-joshua! says

    We’re drowning in Broccoli from our CSA…
    Came here to see what I could find.
    Looks like a winner!


  21. Broccoli Bites Recipe (43)Claudia S. says

    If you were here in front of me I would kiss you! Thank you for this recipe! Before they shut down, my husband and I loved the broccoli bites from Bennigans. I’ll surprise him with this recipe this week. He’ll be so happy.


  22. Broccoli Bites Recipe (44)Joy says

    We have a nut allergy in our family, is there a substitute for almond flour for this recipe?


    • Broccoli Bites Recipe (45)Joy says

      Oh I see a comment above with the suggestion of coconut flour and more eggs. Thanks!


  23. Broccoli Bites Recipe (46)Babette Cade via Facebook says

    What is it about broccoli and cheese?


  24. Broccoli Bites Recipe (48)Mary Light via Facebook says

    I simply must do this. this also sounds like it would be good as sort of a casserole instead of bites, layered in a pan.


  25. Broccoli Bites Recipe (49)Maritza Nasseri Acosta via Facebook says

    Karla Sofia Yon


  26. Broccoli Bites Recipe (50)Faith Epp via Facebook says

    I like it roasted with EVOO salt/pepper and garlic powder.


  27. Broccoli Bites Recipe (51)Shana Miner Ladin via Facebook says

    Just made this. It was great!


  28. Broccoli Bites Recipe (52)Laura Harmasch via Facebook says

    I love these. I add a little bacon too.


  29. Broccoli Bites Recipe (53)Sandy Lethin via Facebook says

    Diana, this looks yummy for Super Bowl. 🙂


  30. Broccoli Bites Recipe (54)lexee says

    making these tonight for a get together… how many does one batch make? thanks! 🙂


  31. Broccoli Bites Recipe (55)lexee says

    oh and can you use frozen (thawed) broccoli instead if fresh?


  32. Broccoli Bites Recipe (56)Jill Ferrell says

    Do these freeze well?


  33. Broccoli Bites Recipe (57)Denise says

    YUMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!! It only took me 2 days to eat all of these (okay, so I shared 2 with my daughter), they are so good and so addicting. Thank you for this and all your other great recipes. We have just eliminated a lot of foods in our house, and these recipes are making my life so much easier.


  34. Broccoli Bites Recipe (58)Anonymous says

    Parmesan cheese in this recipe is not sold on the website. Where can we find the raw Parmesan cheese?


  35. Broccoli Bites Recipe (64)Laura says

    Thanks for posting, made them yesterday, trying them later today but they do look good.


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Broccoli Bites Recipe (2024)
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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

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Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.