Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

5 LEADER-TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1926 THIRTEEN NON-PROFESSIONAL Ad-Rite Contest A $3,000 in Cash and Prizes Awarded Marion Leader Tribune readers for best advertising ideas submitted on concerns listed below. $100 and $75 Cash for the best two ads submitted will be given as Grand Prizes. $50 Cash will be given for the person submitting most ads throughout the contest. $25 award for best ad of each week. ADS HAVE TO REPRESENT EACH AND EVERY FIRM LISTED BELOW TO BE ELIGIBLE TO WIN ANY OF THE GRAND PRIZES--THIS ALSO INCLUDES WEEKLY AWARD OF $25.

Five cash weekly prizes will be given for the best five ads submitted on each advertiser listed below. You can write on one or more to qualify for these prizes. HOW TO ENTER "AD-RITE" CONTEST Write an advertising idea on each or every firm listed below. No limit to number of ads you may submit. Mail or bring your ads to AD Editor, Marion Leader Tribune.

Write ad on one side of paper only. Neatness does not count. Spelling does not count. 'All that counts is the idea. Use separate sheet of paper for each ad.

Write your name and address plainly on back of each sheet of paper. Every reader of THE LEADERTRIBUNE is eligible to enter contest except newspaper ployes and professional advertising writers. obligations, fees or subscriptions are entailed. More ads you send in, more chances to win. Write About These Contest Advertisers M.

MEYER, Jeweler 114 E. Fourth St. Phone 601 Write this week on "Why Gorham's Silver a Most Serviceable Silver Set." Johnston Furniture Company East Side Square Write this week on "Why I Like to Trade at the Now Johnston Furniture Co." Superior Dairy Co. Phone 1561 Write this week on "Why Is Superior Dairy Milk Pasteurized?" Central Indiana Gas Company 311 S. Boots.

Phone 1080. Write this week on "Why It Pays to Buy Central Indiana Gas Co. Preferred Stock." French Dry Cleaners 318 S. Boots. Phone 1379.

416 W. Ninth. Phone 3653. this week on "Why Should Have My Garments Cleaned and Pressed at the French Dry Cleaners Before WinterAre Put Away for the Marion Glass Dash Co. COAL 8th and McClure Phone 354 Write this week on "Why Primrose Coal Is As Good and Cheaper Than Pocahontas." Trueblood Laundry Company Phone 562 The "Rainsoft" Water Laundry Write this week on "What Eliminating Wash Day Means to the Home." THE MARION HARDWARE COMPANY Write this week about 'their department--The advan.

tages and different articles offered. -On The Busy Corner5th and Washington Street GOODYEAR SERVICE STATION Phone 734 Vulcanizing Fourth and Boots Sts. Distributor Goodyear, tires, Mobile oils, accessories, Itional batteries, Paul Moreland manager. Write this week on "Why You Should Equip Your Car With a National Battery." Additional Advertisers Write this week on "Why It Pays to Buy 8 Cloth Coat at the Paris." In Complete Banking Facilities and a Progressive Policy Grant Trust Savings Company Every banking service rendered by a personal interest in your welfare. Write this week on "Why Should I Start a Checking Account at the Grant Trust Savings Company." Geo.

H. Gant Electric Company 320-322 S. Boots Street Write this week on "Why Should I Purchase a Radiola 25 with Complete EquipGant Electric Company." Ask us for literature and a demonstration of this wonder radio. Phone 1999 The Round Oak Summerheat Automatic Oil Burner Write this week on "Why Ev. ery Home in Marion Should Install a Round Oak Summerheat Automatic Oil Burner." Ask us for literature.

Round Oak Heating Company Furnaces and Burners Estimates Cheerfully Given 421 8. Branson. Phone 1937 HOTEL SPENCER Write this week on "Why Does the Spencer Hotel Recommend the City Garage to Its Patrons." L. J. McAtee Co.

Glass, Wall Paper, Paints Write this week on "Why I Should Have the Glass That Is Broken in the Automobile, Replaced at McAtee's." 312 S. Boots. Telephone 1387 MARION MOTORSALES 610 S. Adams St. Phone 2925 NASH MOTOR CARS Write this week on "Why Do You Prefer to Drive Nash." Watch This Space For MANY SOLDIERS ARE EXPECTED TO ATTEND FUNERAL OF COL.

GUNDER Officers and members of the various companies of the 160th Indiana Infantry, of which the late Col. George W. Guuder was colonel, are expected to attend the funeral services which will be held from the residence, 1902 South Gallatin street, at two o'clock Thursday afternoon. The Knights Templar will be in full charge the services. Burial will be made" in the I.

0. 0. F. cemotery. The body will lie in state this afternoon and evening, when friends may call.

The regimental adjutant of the 160th was notified of tho death of Col. Gunder he, in turn, notifled the companies in the regiment, which includes Decatur, Lafayette, Wabash, Bluffton, Ossian, City, Warsaw and Lieut. Col. William Kiger FAMOUS ATHLETIC OLD FOLKS OF Easy, to Relieve Lameness, Aches Or Pains At Home "I don't care Paramatia, achy, sti and bad you declare athletie trainer, fortrace Bah Parka We have Mike Martin's "BLUMENTHAL DAY" SALE IS TO OPEN IN MARION TOMORROW The Leader -Tribune this morning carries an announcement of the sixth annual Blumenthat Day, starting tomorrow, which is an event in local mercantile circles. There is a special announcement this year, in the fact that the popular and "old reliable" firm is to continue the "Blumenthal Day" sale for three days.

Heretofore, there has been one day. Store Is Packed Thousands know what has happened. Store packed to overflow. ing; hundreds unable to be waited on; hundreds went away down hearted; hundreds were unable to the articles that they And so the 'enterprising firm has arranged it so, that the people may have three days. The big observance starts tomorrow; it continues on Friday and Saturday.

NEWS OF THE CLUBS (Additional) The Girls' Reserves of the Y. M. C. A. will hold their monthly meeting at the Y.

W. C. A. next Thursday afternoon at 4:30. The High school Girls Reserves held a meeting at the high school yesterday afternoon with an attendance of forty.

The meeting was in the nature of a social gathering. The fifth division of the Ladies' Aid society of the First M. E. church will hold their regular 80- cial meeting Thursday afternoon, October 15, at the home of Mrs. J.

E. Robbins, 716 South Gallatin street. The assistant hostess will be Mrs: Morton, Mrs. W. A.

Brown, Mrs. Cecil Rhoades and Mrs. Ray Matthews. The Tribe of Ben Hur will hold their regular meeting Wednesday erening at which time arrangefor the district meeting at Muncie will be completed. Also plans for the Hallowe'en dance and jitney social to be held on the 20th will be made.

Plans for this social will be announced in next week's paper. A number from Malion Court motored to Hartford City Monday night to attend lodge there. The Washington Co-operative Farm club will meet with Mr. and Mrs. P.

"Eakins, this evening. The following program will be given: Opening song, club; devotions, Mr. Eaking; roll call, Riley quotations; "Has Woman's Independence Increased Her Happiness?" Marion Wine; "The Sell Improvement Hablt," Lillie Harreld; "Seed Corn," George B. Love. All members are urged to attend.

The Berean Bible class of the First Baptist church will meet at the home of Mrs. Messersmith, 910 West Sixth street, Friday evening. All members are urged to be present. The Epworth League of the Sweetser M. E.

church will have an auction sale at Sweetser next Friday evening, In the room just south of Anderson's barber shop. The General demonstrate Service Co. electric of Marion, will the They will donate the foods they cook, also an electric iron and toaster to the Epworth League. Mr. Wherry, local auctioneer, will sell these things at the close of the demonstration to the highest bidder.

An Ercel cooker will be given as an attendance prize. Everyone is Invited to come and help to make this event a success. The Jubilee H. P. B.

met Monday evening at the home of Delores Barley, 1211 South Washing. ton street. A short business ing was held for the purpose of recording the exact number of paid up members 80 as to report to the state W. C. T.

U. president. During tho social hour an orchestra was formed which furnished the evening's entertainment. Refreshments wero served to the ing: Martha and Ruth Anna LeaMOD, Mary Lizzie Johnson, lores Barley, Bernita Bole, Augusta Barley, Vivian Beamer, Aline Rybolt, Thelma Barley, Mark lane, Paul Jackson, Lewis Sage, Charles Kimbrough, Raymond Sny. dor, Robert Lenfesty, Garland Hines, Paul De Walt and Max Marney.

The Hockett Memorial class of the Bible school of Union Street Friends church, Kokomo, of which Mrs. Doau was teacher the past three years, spent Tuesday with Rev. and Mrs. Z. I.

Doan, Second Friends church, Marlon. Arriving about eleven o'clock, with well Alled baskets, a most enjoyable cafeteria dinner was partaken of. The day WAS spent socially except for the monthly business meeting of the class. Mr. Doan was presented with a wonderful 'blue and quilt with the names of the bers of tho class of the church and special friends of hers.

The followlug members of the class were present: Mrs. "Ina K. Peterson, Esta Warne, Bertha Showaltor, Mary Duncan, Verna Howell, Addie Scherer, Lottie Iva Jordan, Anna McIntosh, Ella L. Newcom, Lols lagels, Hazel Baldwin, Ora A. Thomas, Cora AlHowell, Bessie Winkler, Cesta lison, Mabel Banbber, Blaucho Warne, Lulu Hannah, Elsie Henry, Nina' Crilly, Mary Horsman, May Tuckor, Miss Enid Marlo and Mrs.

the Myrtle class, Prior, now a residing former membeion. In addition to the above, Mr. R. B. Scherer, Mrs.

Leona Baldwin, Doris Young, Ethel Allen and Amy. Catt also wore present. The following babies helped liren the day: Louis Mark Frederick Baldwin, Richard Howell, Marcia Ann b. Mr. David Blumenthal, son of the founder of the store, and now offi.

cial of the company, and one of the active directors, says in a state ment which appears in the LeaderTribune today that he has himself looked over the goods to be in the sale and gives them his personal guarantee. Mr. Seymour Marks of Blumen: thal and stated to the Leader Tribune last night, that the outlook was for the greatest of all. Blumenthal Day programs. He said every effort had been made to give the people great opportunities; that the store dressed up its for the occasion; that an extra force had been provided and neither pains nor expense were being spared to make it a time long to be remembered by the buying public.

Warne and the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Prior, West Fifth street, Marion. It was a most enjoyable occasion. MARION WOMAN (Continued From Page One) take a chance? Letter of Appreciation.

The following letter was- received Tuesday: "Dear Sir--I was very pleasantly surprised to find my name in the list of Sunday's Leader-Tribune adriters, and wish to extend my sincere thanks to the judge: for their consideration. "I also received the $1 check Monday, for which I thank you. "Assuring you of my appreciation, I am "Yours truly, "MRS. C. HEIDENREICH." $50 trade credit each week, toward purchase of a Round Round Oak Furnace for the Oak Summerheat Oil Burner, or best ad submitted on either of these.

Transferable. Ask us for literature. ROUND OAK HEATING CO. 421 So. Branson.

Ad-Rite Special Prize A $71.50 Roper Gas Range, with Oven Control, given by the Central Indiana Gas Company for the best Ad written on this remarkable Gas Range. Ads for this prize should be marked "For Special Prize." J. A. C. STYLE (Continue I From Page One) which he fired unexpectedly.

Beautiful. Garments. Beautiful garments for men and women were worn by the models, Mrs. James McDonald, Mrs. Phil Nelson, Mra.

Fred Johnson, Mrs. Russell Hammes, Miss Jerry Carleton, Miss Virginia French, Miss Weaver, Mrs. Russell Wolf, Rolene Carter, Hearst Heiser, Arthur Eberbardt, Charles Billiter, Robert Fixel, llerbert Gaunett, Wilbur Rusby, Frank Fermeyer, Mary Kimes, Betty Dougherty, Alfred Johnson, Max Lewis, Benson Hart, Harland Stricler. Gowns for street, afternoon and evening wear, together with coats, hats, evening wraps and beautiful shoes and hose, were shown in women's wear, while the men's showed suits, top coats, sport wear, etc. The predominating colors for the fall season are many shades of red, brown, green and black, the skirts in some of the dresses somewhat longer than In the pring, with tighter and shorter waist effect.

Practically all black dresses are satin, and are either embroidered, trimmed or combined with some strong color, very few all black garments are shown. The coats Schumann-Heink: Sings at Muncie Many Marion people are preparing to. go to Muncie next Wednesday, Oct. 20 to hear the great Schumann-Heink sing. It.

will he in the Ball gymnasium. Harry E. Paris is Muncie manager and may be reached there. with roses, from the Strauss shop, and was charming in a red afternoon dress with dark coat and lovely fur trimming from the Paris. Her other beautiful garments were from the Hart shop, Queen City and Blumenthal's.

Pink Evening Gown. Mrs. Phil Neison wore a beautiful pink evening gown in one scene, trimmed in brilliants, from the Blumenthal store, and black and pink costume, which WAS striking, from the Queen City. She also modeled lovely garments from Strauss, Paris, Hart. Mrs.

Russell Hammes' brunette style appeared best in reds and browns. A brown velvet from the Paris store was very lovely, AS were indeed each of the other gowns she wore with such good effect. Mrs. Betty Wolt was lovely in a bright red evening dress from tho Strauss shop, and the black matin from the Hart shop was new and striking. This dress W33 longer in back than front, showing a decided change in style from the frocks of last year.

Mrs. Wolf also looked lovely in a light blue silk evening dress from Blumentha Co. Her other dresses from the Queen and Paris were becoming and handsome. Brown- Red Dress. Little Rolenc Carter wore A are all fur -trimmed, with very rich effect.

The hats are either very large or rather small, fitting tight to the head. Mrs. Jamies McDonald, who modeled for the Paris, Queen City, Hart, Blumenthal and Strauss, wore 8 striking green evening dress, with evening wrap to match, trimmed in fringe, from Strauss. A beautiful coat in the first scene was from the Paris Store. A lovely street dress from Ilart's and green costume from the Queen City were mosts triking.

Her lovely costume from Blumenthal Co. received much favorable commendation. In a Gray Coat. Mrs. Fred Johnson's first appearance as in a gray coat trimmed in gray fur, with hat and shoes to as from the Strauss shop.

She wore a black and pink frock from Blumenthal's, and striking and lovely evening and street dresses from the Paris, Hart and Strauss shops. Jerry Carleton wore a very striking red satin dress, with close fitting waist, aud ruffled skirt from the Queen City. Miss Carleton also appeared irr charming street and evening costumes from each of the other stores. Miss Virginia French wore three evening frocks, one light green, one pale pink satin, one white, trimmed in brilliants. Her white evening dress from the l'aris was very becoming and sweet.

She modeled for, Strauss in green, for Blumenthal in green evening gown, for the Qucen City in pink. Miss Ruth Weaver appeared in a very charming black costume, embroidered with roses, from the sweet little brown-red dress, with coat of the same color, with selfcolor lining, and hat of the same brown-red shade. The men, Herbert Gannett, Hearst Heiser, Robert Fixel, WIlbur Rusby, Charles Billiter, Arthur Eberhard, wore the season's latest and handsomest from the Hub, Blumenthal Price-Hutchins Top coats are made amply DAILY PUZZLE PICTURE 20 19 16 23 18 22 73 3 15 .14 J2 10. a When Dot went down stairs on her birthday she discovered large box on the table for her. She was surprised to find it contained something she expected to buy.

What she found in the package was (Kindly draw straight lines between the numbers.) (Copyright 1926 By The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Removing Grinding Valves Grinding Valves Carbon 4: -how much longer must these twin evils pick your pocket and mar your motoring enjoyment TWO items alone- grinding valves and removing carbonI account for at least one-half the up-keep cost of the ordinary automobile. Every owner knows that The Will ys-Knight Great Six wipes out all this expense in its Knight sleeve valve engine--patented, exclusive- there are no valves to grind -no carbon to Carbon cannot harm the engine of the Will ys-Knight Great Six. Hence, carbon troubles, and the expense and inconvenience of remedying them, never enter into its owner's calculation In fact, the presence of carbon in the Willys Knight sleeve- valve engine only serves to seal compression, to prevent waste of power It is a desirable agent. Instead of hampering or harming, it actually helps this engine to perform. Willys- Knight Great Six prices from $1750 to $2495.

Prices f.o.b. factory and specifications subject tochange without notice. The Willys Finance Plan offers unusually attractive credit terms. Willys Overland, Toledo, Ohio. Willys Overland Sales Toronto, Canada.

GREAT WILLYS-KNIGHT SIX: Harwood Automotive Co. 509 So. Adams St. Phone 242 4 full this season, with shodes of brown predominating in color as well as in the suits. Lighter shades in coats and suits predominate, although the dark suits are also good.

The hats worn by the lady models were furnished by the Lynn Hat Shop and Lucy Babb. Music for the show was furnished by Hal Denman's Cotton Pickers orchestra. All of the stores were well represented by their models, and the garments shown by them were such as to show that the Marion stores contain garments quite as good and beautiful A8 may be found in larger cities. MILL TOWNSHIP PLANS FOR BIG S. S.

CONVENTION Gag Act. Mill township Sunday school convention will be held Sunday afternoon at the Gas City M. E. church. Rev.

A. E. House, pastor of the Jonesboro Presbyterian church will be the principle speaker. The full program will be announced later. D.

W. Williams is township chairman. Mra. W. O.

Thompson and Mrs. Clyde Ward attended the Lacey. Braverman concert in Marion Monday evening. The comedy "Aaron Slick from Punkin' Crick," which was 80 successfully presented here last spring by a number members of the Christian church, by request will be presented again October 26, at RIley Hall. The play will also be givon at Kokomo the erening of October 19 and 20.

The regular meeting of the Rovary Society of tho Ioly Family Catholic church will be held Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Charles Merkle. Thursday evening the society will hold a euchre and bunco party in the church basem*nt with Mrs. John Malay Mrs. Gene Marchal, Mrs.

James Dudley and Mrs. Harry Beers as hostesses. The public 1s invited. Rev. W.

M. Hopper, pastor of the Christian church and several of the members will attend the district conference of Christian churches at Logansport Friday Mrs. Duniel Davies and daughter, Miss Inez, of Gary, spent the end with relatives and friends here. About twenty young poople from the Fairmount Christian church were present at the local Christian church Sunday evening and rend. ered a number of beautiful special musical numbers.

Announcements have boen received of the birth of a daughtor, weighing. eight pounds, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson of Gary, Octobor 10. The little miss has been named Carolyn Ann.

Tho mother was formerly Miss Martha Prickett, of Gas City. STREET CAR AND A BUS COLLIDE A. B. Moore, motorman of atreet car No, 69 reported to tho police Tuesday that bis car ran into Bus No. 8 belonging to the Marion Ft.

Wayne Motor Coach Co. The bus damaged and tho street car was knocked from the tracka, The accident occured at 6:30 Monday LE SERUM SHORTAGE ALARMING, MANY CATTLE KILLED Duo to the wide prevalence of hog cholera throughout Indiana, there has resulted i in a shortage in hog cholera serum In Grant county and throughout the state. The Grant County Farm Bureau lag far more orders for the serum than can be supplied for some time. The office hag been receiving a small shipment each week until this week, when there will be DO shipment, due to the fact that the manufacturers are unable to come any ways near to supplying the demand throughout the state. The hog cholera situation has become worse in the state during the past few weeks and the turers of the serum had not anticipated such a demand.

That the altuation will Improve soon the opinion of B. C. Green, president of the Grant County Farm Not only is Indiana infested witl the hog cholera, but neighboring state's and others in the centra west. In addition to the cholera hogs are also afflicted with a dis. case resembling the flu, which it causing hog raisers much and concern.

MASONS WILL HAVE BANQUET IN MARION Blackford Chapter 111 of Royal Arch Masons has received an invi" tation from Marion chapter 55, Roy al Arch Masons, to attend a ing at Marion October 29, at: 6:30 p.m. The banquet will be- followed by degree work. The invitation has been accepted. ATTEND FUNERAL Dr. and Mra.

C. R. Brown cently returned from' Winamae, where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Brown's father, Dr. G.

W. Thompson. lIe wAs practicing physician, 77 years of age. the in of Bluffton is expected to attend the services. Col.

Gunder was one of five men, who were in Civil War, as well as the Spanish-American war and all are now dead, with the exception of Lee Marts of Bluffton. addition to being member of the Col. Gunder wag also a member' of Fred Ballou Camp, Uulted Spanish War Veterans. ARE KEPT AWAKE Residents in the vicinity of Fifteenth and Gallatin streets reported to the police Tuesday that there has been a band of small boys that have been keeping them awake for the past few nights. TRAINER TELLS RHEUMATIC REMEDY wouldn't but the latest, take steaming hot bathdirections tumble late matte, the minutes will hare pains vanishing the Boon and like feeling Martin's Liniment- -Hook Drug Stores When in Enjoy your stay-at the superb New.

MORRISON HOTEL The tallest hotel in the world, forty -six stories high AN 13 Closest in the city to offices, theatres, stores and railroad depots. 1,944 Rooms $2.50 Up all outside, each with bath, runningice water, and ServIdor, which gives added protection to guests with its grille feature. Th New Morrison, when All guests enjoy the privi. will be the largest and tallest hotel in leges of the hotel's garage the world, containing 3,400 rooms. HOTEI THE HOTEL OF PERFECT SERVICE ON TERRACE GARDEN HE RESTAURANT WONDER CLARK and MADISON STREETS IN THE HEART.

OF CHICACO 119 STOVES RE-NICKLED "We Make 'em Look Like New." Bring them out now before cold weather QUALITY. WORK REASONABLE PRICES Plating and Polishing 44 9. Central Glass Products Co. At the End of West 4th Street 4 3 1 ALL.

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


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The Chronicle-Tribune is a morning newspaper for Marion, Indiana and surrounding areas.

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The Indianapolis Star is the largest paper in Indiana.

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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

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Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.