Obituary for Ronald Erickson at Butherus, Maser & Love Funeral Home (2024)

Ronald Dean Erickson was born in June, 1941, to Inez (Fullington) and Adrian Erickson. He was raised on a farm outside Central City, Ne. Living humbly on a farm in the 1940's gave Ron an appreciation for his future experiences as he never strayed from the love and loyalty his parents instilled in him. One of twins, he and his sister Gloria ran amok on their family farm. As small children, if his sister and female cousin would not play with him, Ron would terrorize them. Like being skinny enough to lock the outhouse door from the inside and then shimmy out the tiny window. In his teenage years he and his friends would "borrow" road graders or farm equipment and park them in strange places. ... and

countless other ornery/silly things until he graduated Central City High, in 1959. These only showed a glimpse of his impish nature and desire for adventure.

As a young man, the Milwaukee Braves and fast cars were his first loves. Up until his dying day, Ron could name the year, make and model of any car pre-1960. Studebaker and Packards delighted him.

A common joke with Ron was if Hollywood decided to put a 1960 car in a 1959 movie, we'd immediately know about it because he'd let us know the taillights, or grill or bumper was incorrect. Judy would then follow up with, "that's it. Turn the movie off kids" and we'd all laugh.

He attended UNL, but never finished due to the excellent timing of the Vietnam war. Ron had served with the Lincoln Reserve unit, but he decided it would be simpler to switch the Grand Island unit. Luck would have it, 3 months later, his new unit got called up to Vietnam. (Lincoln never did). Serving with the 295th in Vietnam, the experiences would shape Ron. He was never afraid to tell his children of stories from that time. Calm, cool, and collected, he was the rock of his family. You'd never know this man scored a 99 on the ASVAB. He usually was the smartest person in the room but you'd never know it because he listened more than he spoke. His youth of service, created a man of service. He would later use his talent and love for his community to work for the Nebraska Department of Roads and then the City of Lincoln, from which he retired.
Two things defined Rons life. His war experience, and his love of family. After years of dating and even being engaged, a 32 Ron did a hard right turn, and instead married Judy Schwartz. Fresh from previous relationships, they bonded together in such a way that they were inseparable. Literally. Rons love of the road, adventure, and fearlessness led to 3 kids, 4 houses, one Siberian Husky, and innumerable vehicles in his life. Rons desire to continue his education led him to an electronic tech degree from SCC in 1984.

Devotion is a hollow word to explain Ron Erickson. He was devoted to his parents. Loved his twin sister and adored her children, who first stole his heart. Uncle Ron. Dad. Husband. Neighbor. Friend. His home and use of his knowledge of cars, his tools, and his time were always ready to extend. He made each of his children feel loved, protected, and special. He was unabashed to let them know his highs and lows of life, never regretting a change of path. All choices led to Judy, and then his children. Then his ultimate joy of becoming a grandpa.

The last 8 years he took care of Judy. Trying to extend what time they had left of each other was their priority. Judy was the love of his life. He wanted nothing more than to ride off in their convertible on adventures with her. But their time had to come to an end in April of 2023.

Ron was a simple man. His only vocation was family. He believed once he was gone, only a couple of generations would remember him. So, he chose to be the best of humanity. What mark he could make, he wanted it. He truly wanted to make the world a better place. Not for himself, but for his family. Simply put, Ron would just let you be you. He didn't judge, condemn, provoke, or antagonize people in any way. "If it doesn't affect my family or my wallet, I really don't care how people live theirs."

Judy once asked him how he could fall asleep the moment his head hit the pillow. Ron replied, "I have a clear conscience." You did, Daddy. We're so happy you are with Momma again, enjoying the next adventure.

P.S. Yes dad, we know you don't like how long this is but the truth is this is just scratching the surface. Your 3 kids are incredibly close because of you. You were always a realist and you knew this day would come and that the 3 of us being close was your heart’s desire after you left us. So happy we were with you as you drew your final breaths to go be with mom again.

Obituary for Ronald  Erickson at Butherus, Maser & Love Funeral Home (2024)
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