Puffer Fish Skeletons Revealed | We Want Science (2024)

Puffer Fish Skeletons Revealed | We Want Science (1)

Puffer fish—also known as puffers, balloonfish, bubblefish or blowies—are a diverse group of marine and freshwater species. They have a unique ability to increase their size, or “puff up,” when threatened.

Brainerd says that puffers don’t have rib bones or pelvis, because they would get in the way of their inflation. Instead, they have a distensible stomach that can expand to up to 50 times its normal size.


Puffer fish are some of the ocean’s strangest animals—they have a reduced skeleton, beak-like dentition and spines instead of scales. But how they evolved these spiky skin ornaments has remained a mystery. A new study published July 25 in iScience has identified the genes responsible for their development. The researchers found that the genes used for forming spines are similar to those involved in generating other skin appendages, such as hair and feathers, in vertebrates.

Pufferfish, also called blowers, balloonfish and puffies, have large teeth that are fused together into a single plate and a beak-like mouth for crushing the shells of mollusks and crustaceans, their natural prey. They also have a distensible stomach, a flexible pouch that allows them to grow up to 40 times their normal size by filling it with air, and lack pleural ribs and pelvises that would be impediments to inflated movement (see image below).

Their unique natural defenses are critical for puffer fish to survive in their aquatic habitats. Adults use a complex series of pectoral, dorsal and anal fin motions to move about, while the tail fin is used primarily as a rudder and can be employed in a sudden burst of speed that gives the fish the appearance of flying. This maneuver, known as a “balloon evasion,” is an effective countermeasure against predators, and it is the puffer fish’s most frequent means of survival.

But while the balloon evasion is a highly effective defense mechanism, it does carry some disadvantages. It reduces the puffer fish’s ability to hide in the water, making it more vulnerable to ambush attacks. It also makes the fish less able to move around or to find food in shallow water.

The scientists who studied the Japanese grass pufferfish, Takifugu niphobles, wanted to learn more about how these defenses work. They began by sequencing the genome of the fish to identify the genes that control development of spines and other body parts.

They then used CRISPR-based gene editing techniques to block particular genes that are classic markers for the formation of skin appendages. The result was that the spines on the pufferfish became smaller and less dense, and they were no longer localized in specific patches over the body to enhance protection.


Unlike the scaled skeletons of other fish, pufferfish have no ribs and very few vertebrae. Instead, they have fused bones in their cranium and jaw. This simplified skeleton has been linked to their ability to inflate.

The ancestors of pufferfish evolved this capability after they branched off from the triggerfish lineage. When a pufferfish gets agitated by a predator, it can turn itself into a bona fide spike ball. This inflatability is the main defense of the fish, but it has other natural defenses, too. Pufferfish have specialized muscles that they use to pump water into their stomachs, and they can also seal off their stomachs like a drain plug when they are done eating.

Pufferfish can also squirt water from their mouths, spraying a cloud of foam in the face of the predator. While it is not as effective as puffing up, this can still cause serious harm. In addition, pufferfish can rapidly swivel their oversized fins to get around. This is not a graceful maneuver, but it does slow down a predator that is trying to catch the fish for lunch.

Scientists have studied the morphology of pufferfish in great detail, and they have discovered that these animals have a unique pattern of muscle development. Normally, the muscles of fish are attached to their skeletons through connective tissue called collagen. When pufferfish inflate, the connective tissue tightens up and hardens into a tough shell that is difficult for predators to penetrate. The wavy fibers that make up this stiff shell have spines attached to them, which gives the fish a spikey appearance.

Researchers have been able to see how the spines develop inside pufferfish embryos by using electron microscopy. They have found that the spines are formed from collagen fibers, similar to those that form feathers and hair in other animals. The team has also studied how the spines are activated in pufferfish, and they have found that a particular gene controls their activation.

Although pufferfish are beautiful creatures to look at, they are very dangerous. They contain a poison known as tetrodotoxin, which is extremely lethal to humans. Tetrodotoxin is absorbed through the skin and can cause vomiting, dizziness, prickling of the lips, and numbness throughout the body. If ingested, the poison can kill within 24 hours.

Pelvic Fins

Pufferfish are notorious for their ability to blow themselves up, or “puffer”, to many times their normal size. This happens because of special muscles that allow them to inhale water and pump it into their stomachs, making them expand like an accordion. This puffing is used to fend off predators, but is also a great way to eat, since their stomachs are capable of digesting small fish and shrimp.

The specialized muscles in the head also allow pufferfish to eject their heads from their bodies to help them move around. Interestingly, they can also eject their tails from the body as well. While this might make them less maneuverable, it’s not all bad for them because they use the tail to anchor themselves in the substrate.

When they’re not inflated, a pufferfish is basically a stiff armor of spiky bones that can jiggle around a bit, but are otherwise very immobile. They do have one trick, however, that helps them move around, and that’s to simply wiggle their oversized fins a lot, kind of like a man who has been duct-taped to an office chair scooting around with his feet.

These enlarged appendages are called gobiidae, and they’re very useful for these animals. They can be retracted to the body when not needed, or they can be tucked in a clinging position for a better grip on substrates. The gobiidae are actually derived from the pelvic fins of pufferfish, but they’re modified into adhesive suckers that are used to suction prey into their mouths.

To investigate how this unique feature evolved, we compared gene expression patterns in the genomes of the pufferfish fugu, which lacks a pelvic fin, and an anadromous threespine stickleback, which has a robust pelvic fin. In fugu, genes thought to control pectoral fin development in tetrapods maintained Hoxd9 expression within the pectoral fin bud mesoderm throughout its formation, but this region did not develop a pelvic fin. This suggests that mutations blocking the initiation phase of skeletal development, but not those blocking positioning, were responsible for the loss of the pelvic fin in pufferfish.


Pufferfish have a very different skeleton than other fish. Their bones are fused in many places, and the spines that form their armor actually replace normal fish scales. This allows them to be a lot more flexible and move faster.

Another amazing thing about puffer fish is their ability to expand three times their size in a matter of seconds. This is made possible by a combination of stretchable skin, a distensible stomach, and special muscles that allow them to pump excessive amounts of water into their stomach and seal it off. When the fish is ready to deflate, special muscles push all of that water back out again.

A puffer fish’s skeleton is also unique because it lacks rib bones. This is because ribs would only get in the way of the fish’s ability to expand. They also have a stomach that isn’t really a stomach, and instead serves as an accordion-like structure that can expand along with the rest of the body. In addition to this, puffer fish have a set of muscles that allow them to suck in air and blow it out again, just like a balloon.

Because they’re able to do so much, scientists are constantly trying to figure out how the puffer fish does it. One theory is that their ribs and pelvic fins have fused together to make the fish more flexible. Another is that their spiky bone armor is actually a set of stiff bones that cover the fish’s body and only become visible when they inflate.

Another interesting fact about puffer fish is that their skeletons are pretty much all made out of bones that are only connected to each other by very tight connections. This means that, when a puffer fish isn’t inflated, the bones stick out like little spikes and can be poked by predators. When a pufferfish is inflated, these bones overlap and connect to create an extremely tough armor that protects the fish from attack.

Another theory about why the skeletons of puffer fish are so rigid is that it is due to reduced complexity in their Hox clusters. These are a group of genes that control the formation of many parts of a fish’s body. Scientists have found that the puffer fish Spheroides nephelus and the Japanese pufferfish Takifugu rubripes have two copies of Hoxa, a single copy of Hoxb, and a portion of a third Hoxd gene.

Puffer Fish Skeletons Revealed | We Want Science (2024)


How does a puffer fish skeleton work? ›

The pufferfish skeleton lacks ribs and pelvic fins, and has fused bones in the cranium and jaw. It has been hypothesized that this secondarily simplified pufferfish morphology is due to reduced complexity of the pufferfish Hox complexes.

What are some scientific facts about pufferfish? ›

Most pufferfish contain a toxic substance that makes them foul tasting and potentially deadly to other fish. The toxin is deadly to humans. There is enough poison in one pufferfish to kill 30 adult humans, and there is no known antidote.

Is a pufferfish skeleton poisonous? ›

Pufferfish are poisonous, not venomous. A dried skeletal puffer will not poison you. The poison is present in the organs and flesh, not the spines.

What information do you know about the skeleton of a fish? ›

The main features of the fish skeletal system are it consists of the vertebral column, jaw, ribs, cranium and intramuscular bones. It provides protection and control and also produces red blood cells along with the kidneys and spleen. Starting from the head, bony fish consist of solid hard bones called cranium.

How does puffer fish skeleton expand? ›

The lack of ribs, a pelvis, and pectoral fins are also unique to pufferfish. The notably missing bone and fin features are due to the pufferfish' specialized defense mechanism, expanding by sucking in water through an oral cavity.

Are dead puffer fish still poisonous? ›

Pufferfish, either alive or dead, can be fatal to both humans and dogs alike if ingested in large enough quantities. The fish doesn't just have to be eaten, even just chewing or licking can lead to a serious case of poisoning. At first your pooch may seem fine, but without treatment paralysis can soon set in.

How many times can a puffer fish puff before it dies? ›

They can inflate many times throughout their lives as needed. So, it is not true that they can inflate just twice in a lifetime. If the fish is inflated on the surface, it is likely to ingest air. The air can be difficult to expel and can cause the death of the fish, since the fish floats and can not leave the surface.

Can puffer fish be eaten? ›

Introduction. Pufferfish, also known as 'fugu', is a popular delicacy in Japan. But did you know, pufferfish is an infamously poisonous fish that contains a lethal toxin known as tetrodotoxin (TTX), where as little as 0.002 g is enough to kill an adult human.

What animal is immune to pufferfish? ›

Sharks are the only known animal to be immune to pufferfish poison. Although the toxin will kill, current research is testing whether low doses have medical benefits. Studies show that the toxin may relieve pain particularly with cancer patients.

Can I touch a dead puffer fish? ›

The pufferfish's skin is covered in spines and spikes, which are exceedingly hazardous. Carry a toxin called tetrodotoxin (TTX), which is deadly to other fish and humans. You should avoid touching a pufferfish, especially if it is "puffed out." Your hands could be damaged and you could die.

Do pufferfish bite hard? ›

The answer to your question is yes (depending on the particular species of course), the puffer does have a stronger bite than a piranha. I can attest to this because I saw a rather large puffer fish bite a man's finger clean off which is pretty hard to do.

Has anyone survived pufferfish? ›

Three of the patients had severe symptoms, such as cardiac arrest and respiratory failure, after eating the pufferfish, but no one died, the report said. Pufferfish contain a potent neurotoxin called tetrodotoxin, and eating the fish can kill a person.

What is fish skeleton called? ›

There are two different skeletal types: the exoskeleton, which is the stable outer shell of an organism, and the endoskeleton, which forms the support structure inside the body. The skeleton of the fish is made of either cartilage (cartilaginous fishes) or bone (bony fishes).

What are the 2 types of fish based on their skeleton? ›

However, the most obvious disparity between the two types of fish is the composition of their skeleton. As the name suggests, “bony fish” have a skeleton composed of only bones while a cartilaginous fish has a skeleton made entirely of cartilage.

How does a fish skeleton work? ›

Fish skeleton interacts with a complex muscular organization resulting in a segmented body model capable of precise control of swimming movements, highly adapted to live underwater. The skeleton is formed by bones and cartilage and works in synchronization with the muscle, by means of tendons and ligaments.

How does pufferfish neurotoxin work? ›

Tetrodotoxin interferes with the transmission of signals from nerves to muscles by blocking sodium channels. This results in rapid weakening and paralysis of muscles, including those of the respiratory tract, which can lead to respiratory arrest and death.

Do puffer fish have bony skeletons? ›

Despite the diversity in their forms and life histories, pufferfishes and their relatives are all united by a reduced skeleton—most fishes have more than 500 bones, but the average tetraodontiform has only about 300.

How does the pufferfish use its body and behaviors to help it survive? ›

But pufferfish have ways to protect themselves from predators like sharks and other big fish. Sharp spines and puffing up help pufferfish stay safe. A pufferfish's spines and its ability to puff up are both adaptations. An adaptation is a body part or behavior that helps an animal live in its environment.

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