Winston-Salem Journal from Winston-Salem, North Carolina (2024)

0 00 0 0 0 0.0 0.000 is I is is a a TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 22, 1941 WINSTON-SALEM (N. JOURNAL SPORTS NEWS-9 Pirates Wallop Dodgers, 8-3 Gary, Former Mayodan Star, Gets Regular Job With Hornets Bob Gary, former Washington and Lee athlete, got a "break" when Mayodan had to give up its baseball franchise. The little infielder was returned to Charlotte of the Piedmont League last Saturday. He given pay boost by the Hornets and a regular job as third baseman. He profited at Mayodan's loss.

Most of the Mayodan players have been able to catch on with other clubs. Bob Gary, who is owned by Washington, has been recalled by Charlotte of the Piedmont League, and has signed a contract to play with this club for the rest of this season. Lynwood Tillotson, big right-handed pitcher, Lynn Jones also a right-handed pitcher, have signed contracts with Leaksville of the Bi-State League. "Red" McClanahan, left-handed pitcher, has signed a contract with Newport, Tenn. Most of the other players have offers from clubs in this league and expect to be located within a few days.

John Nadvornik, pitcher, goes to Lynchburg, Va. Taylor Sanford, who was the Mayodan manager and first baseman; Ray Kral, outfielder; and Lou Kasper, third baseman, have signed contracts with Rocky Mount of the Coastal Plains League. Irvin Fortune, catcher, has signed with Leaksville. Ted ond baseman, has signed with Mount Airy. New York Today's Pitchers.

pitehers in the major leagues today (won-lost records in parentheses): NATIONAL LEAGUE Brooklyn at Cincinnati Hamlin (5-4) vs. Walters (11-7). New York at St. Louis- -Carpenter 7-1) vs. White (7-3).

Boston at Chicago Posedel (0-2) vs. Lee (6-12). Philadelphia at Pittsburgh Johnson (2-5) or Blanton (5-6) vs. Butcher (9-7). AMERICAN LEAGUE Cleveland at New York-Feller (19-4) vs.

Donald (4-2). Detroit at Washington--Trout (7-5) vs. Leonard (8-11). St. Louis at Philadelphia Harris 6-8 vs.

Marchildon (6-7). Chicago at Boston--Lee (10-7) vS. Newsome (10-5). Riggs Opens Title Quest Sea Bright, N. J.

Bobby Riggs of Chicago opened quest of his fourth singles championship in the 54th annual Sea Bright invitation nament yesterday by trouncing J. Upshur Moorhead of Rumson, N. 6-1, 6-2. The former national champion, only domestic seeded player to see action in the men's field as the grass-court classic got under way, seeks to become the first player in the tournament history to win the title a fourth time. He retired the second Sea Bright challenge bowl last year after winning the title in 1937 and 1938.

The four seeded stars in the women's field all advanced easily. Top- Cooke seeded New Mrs. York Sarah outclassed Palfrey Mrs. M. H.

Vosters Jr. of Sea Bright, 6-0, 6-0; Helen Jacobs of Berkeley, seeded second, breezed through Mrs. Elliott Coleman of Sea Bright, 6-1, 6-0; Dorothy May Bundy of Santa Monica, won over Dorothy Wightman of Boston, 6-3, 6-4: and fourth-seeded Virginia Wolfenden of San Francisco ousted Cecile Bowes of Philadelphia, 6-0, 6-1. SOOTS WINS TOURNEY -Cullen Soots, of Fieldale, won the weekly bowling tournament held at the Martinsville Recreation Center Thursday night over a field of eight participants. Soots turned in a 462 for four lines.

Taylor Brugh was high individual game scorer with a 131. DiMag Used Three Bats During Spree By WHITNEY MARTIN New York (The Special News Service) -Catching up on the news after two weeks of catching up on rest. Or. what goes on here. anyway? It was easy enough for Joe DiMaggio to show an unruffled dis- all position while he was getting his hits on the march to his phe-; nomenal consecutive-game hitting streak.

as a man doesn't howl as long as he is hitting the nail and not his thumb. We think the true measure of the young man as a sportsman was provided by the manner in which he reached to the abrupt ending of the string. We can think of more than one ball player who, under similar circ*mstances, would have come through with a display of temperament which would have made a prima donna's outburst seem as disturbing as a rocking chair in the shade. Joe hit into a double play on his final chance -and he realized it was his final chance. Yet he rounded first base as if the out were just another out.

jogged out toward center field, picked up his glove and was ready to play. There was no head shaking, or kicking of the dirt, or any other grandstand action, although, despite what he might say, it must have been a bitter disappointment. He had long since broken the ord, but, like a man who has set his goal at a million dollars and gets there, he wasn't satisfied. DiMaggio used three bats along the way. The first was swiped, then returned.

The bat he used while No. 1 was missing was sent to San Francisco and auctioned off for $1,600 for the USO fund. He split the No. 1 bat game lat third Chicago DiMaggio and model, finished up which with is a a perfect 36-36 inches long and 36 ounces in weight. Much moaning in Chicago over the play of the Cubs, and the club officials seem to be leaning over backward to make the situation no better.

The team was shipped up into Wisconsin for an exhibition on a recent open date. 4 It arrived back Chicago about p.m. on a day "he was booked for a double-header. So if you're blaming Jimmy Wilson for anything, just remember he doesn't arrange the schedule. He just works there, he hopes.

Note that Frank "Rube" Melton, rookie Phillie hurler, has been suspended for leaving the club without permission. It's possible he stood for the club's play about as long as could. At a recent check the Phils were just games behind--behind seventh place. Next year the games the Phils play probably will be listed on other team's schedules as "open date." Under Burt Shotton the Phils set a record for the fewest victories during a season-41. It looks like a cinch that they will better that mark.

With due respect to the Mizes and Moores and Slaughters, the fact remains the Cardinal fortunes ebb and flow with the absence or presence of stubby Jim Brown. They went into a tailspin last year when he left the line-up. This year they won 37 and lost 16 while he was playing, won 11 and lost 12 when he was forced from the line-up through injury. He's back, so keep your eye on them. Which, considering their present position, telling a gent in a lion's cage to keep his eye on the lion.

Rain Postpones Wilkes Net Event North Wilkesboro. Rains cloudburst density here during the past few days greatly damaged tennis courts and forced ment of play in the Lions Club tourney for county for one week, the committee announced yesterday. Play was to have. opened yesterday, but will begin until next Monday. The tournament, sponsored yearly by the Lions for all tennis players in Wilkes, will attract many entries.

The committee announced yesterday that entries will be accepted throughout this week and may be made to Grady Church or Bill Brame. Trophies will be given winners and runners-up in men's singles, doubles, women's singles, mixed. junior divisions. It is expected that the tournament this year will be the successful ever held in Wilkes. Halcyon Days, a rank outsider from the stable of Mrs.

G. H. Bostwick, Cis Marion returned $6.70 for $2. Brooklyn FaltersDodgers Aren't Winning; Wyatt Worried By JUDSON BAILEY Brooklyn -The Brooklyn Dodgers' "winning pitchers" aren't winning and great is the PITCHER, KIRBY HIGBE HOSPITAL Kirby Higbe, the Brooklyn Dodgers' ace pitcher from Columbia, S. listens his wife tunes the radio to" baseball scores in the Caledonian Hospital at New York to which he was taken for observation, The due radio, to a shaped troubled like a baseball, is the gift of a fan.

West Scores Two Birdies On Same Hole By ROMNEY WHEELER Atlanta (P) -Burr West, University of Tennessee football player, scored two birdies on the same hole in a golf match at Whittle Springs Driving off No. 1 tee, West's ball killed a dove in air, continued down the fairway yards Burr sank the ball for a one-under-par three -thus two birdies on one hole. Grid gossip: If Georgia Tech's football flash, Johnny Bosch, is slowed by excess weight next fall, it won't be for lack of summer labor He's just finished a session of wrestling soft drink kegs and 100-pound sugar sacks, whittling his poundage to a reported mid-season Check off the name of Robards, sensational freshman tackle, who was to have bolstered the University of Kentucky line this fall He's landed a job at a nitrogen plant Tony Ruffa, Duke's point-kicking lineman, is at Camp Lee, watching the All-Star poll and wondering if the army would let him off long enough to play at Chicago if he should make the team Wallace Wade who finished Duke last June, expects to get his draft call any day Vols Have Golfers Chip shots: Tennessee is expected to nominate one of the best golf teams in the south--State Amateur Champion Cary Middlecoff and Southern runner-up John Cummings- -for the annual Southern Four-Ball Championship in Atlanta next September Tommy Barnes, newly-crowned Georgia amateur champ, and Gene Gailliard-Atlantans who won the Bobby Jones trophy last yearlikely will defend Senator Happy Chandler and Governor Keen Johnson of Kentucky may team up for the Tri-State golf championships in August. Late mail: Les Burge, apparently on the road to a new home run record in the Southern Association, clouts 'em better on the road than at home He's hit 18 around the circuit, against 10 in the Cracker's park Les Fleming Nashville, who ran his string to 28 before wrist injury benched him, got 22 of them in the Vol's home-town bandbox The Mountain View team of the Atlanta amateur baseball federation is just a family affair Five members of the Mabry family and five Deans comprise the club and little Jack Mabry and Charlie Dean are mascots. GIRL FLIER LEARNS TO DRIVE Ogden, Utah first Utah girl to solo the CAA training program under, Helen a student at Weber Junior College in Ogden.

But in her spare time she's taking another course. She is learning to drive an automobile. WYATT consternation in Flatbush. No one is more discouraged than Whitlow Wyatt, until the All-Star game at "Detroit was recognized as the year's best pitcher in the National League. Since then he hasn't won a game and has been beaten three times.

"I don't know what is wrong, he confessed on the bench yesterday. "My arm feels all right and I seem to nave my stuff. The other night against the Cardinals I was WYATT pitching to spots and in the fifth inning when they started Jap Strategy Being Mapped By Minister Tokyo Minister Vice-Admiral Teijiro Toyoda completing an "intensive study" of the entire international situation with a view to utilizing to the utmost Japan's sition" in world affairs, the newspaper Nichi Nichi said early today. The impression prevails, Nichi Nichi said, that Japan is in a strong position if her forces are mobilized to strike hard and fast in the right direction when the proper time comes. The foreign minister, Nichi Nichi chiefly concerned for the present with China and is studying the empire's relations with all the great powers with a view to using these relations to obtain an early settlement of the "China Along somewhat the same lines the commercial newspaper Chugai which often reflects the the powerful Mitsui interests, said yesterday that Japan occupies a prominent position on the world stage because of her ability to sway the present international position.

Japan exercises influence in the United States, this newspaper said, because her navy is supreme in the western Pacific Ocean. President Roosevelt is chiefly concerned with his program of a Britain, the newspaper added, and obviously is devoting great efforts towards building up American public opinion to a point where it will support him in entering the European war on Britain's side. For the present, Chugai continued, Japan is entirely satisfied to let Mr. Roosevelt guess what this country intends to do. Secrecy is essential in the pressituation, the newspaper believed, praising the government for refusing to reveal any detail of the "momentous" decision on foreign policy reached by the imperial conference on July 2, shortly after the start of the RussoGerman war.

United States, Chugai believed, was puzzled after the imperial conference and now is more puzzled than ever by the change in governments here. Moscow also is confused as to Japan's plans, Chugai said. Mrs. McCraw Dies Near Mount Airy (Special to The Journal) Mt. Arena McCraw, 65, Mt.

Airy, Route 1, died at 2:45 o'clock Monday afternoon at the home of her daughter near Mt. Airy. Her death was attributed to high blood pressure and infirmities of old age. Mrs. McCraw was born in Carroll county, Virginia, on August 15, 1875, the daughter of the late Joel and Louise Jenkins McMillian.

de She was married in young womanhood to the late T. L. McCraw, who preceded her in death three years ago. She is survived by four sons, William and Timothy McCraw, of Mt. Airy, and Lawrence and Arnold McCraw, of Galax, by seven daughters, Mrs.

Cleve Wagoner and Joe East, Walnut Cove; Mrs. Connie Snow, of Boonville; Price Lowe, of Galax, and Mrs. G. M. McMillian, Mrs.

K. L. Shelton and Mrs. J. L.

Stull of Mt. Airy. Funeral services will be held from the Union Hill Baptist Church at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, with Rev. T. L.

Bryant officiating. Burial will be in the cemetery. Lee Kanoy, 82, a former prominent citizen of Thomasville, who had been making his home in Charlotte for some time with his son, Webb Kanoy, died Monday morning following an extended illness. He was a native of Davidson county, son of Sam and Mary Ann Leonard Kanoy. Survivors, included the son, one da Ida F.

Teague, of Charlotte, one half brother, John A. Clinard, two half sisters, Mrs. Ed Wagoner and Miss Clinard. The funeral service will be conducted at the J. C.

Green and Sons Funeral Home in Thomasville this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Burial will be in the family plot in Calvary Reformed Church cemetery. S. Lee Kanoy, 82, Claimed by Death Carolina Power Firm Accused Of 'Writing Up' Books to Show Big Excess in Plant Valuation Heintzelman Keeps Hits Well Spaced (P). The faltering Brooklyn Brooklyn Dodgers were Pittsburgh walloped again yesterday 3, by and the lost another Pirates.

game 8 of tc their National League half only game of the day in lead. the In the majore leagues, the Dodgers were held in check effectively Ken if not impressively by absorbed their and licking in d'ouron another As a urth result they headed last night with a western invasion lead over the slender ene-game zelman was tapped for 10 St. Louis Cardinals. he managed to keep the Hein hits, but minimum while his teammates raided four Brooklyn danege to a pitchers for 11 safeties, Fletcher including and heme runs by Elbie Vince DiMaggio. into Newt in the third for three runs Pittsburgh waded single by Lee HandKimball on a walk.

a ley, a triple by Arky Elliott. Vaughan, Vito and a double by Bob Tamulis was rushed in and Brown gave two passes and Mace his farthen was summoned to retire teammates with the bases mer fifth, Elliott singled, and loaded. In the Fletcher smashed a home ninth of the year, over Elbie, run, his scoreboard. In the walk, a hit batsman, and the singie by Maurice Van Robays sixth, a a another tally off Brown, and DiMaggio clouted his added in the ninth 11th round tripper of the year Van Robays had singled off after Kemp Brooklyn Wickerwored in the second on singles by Harry Lavaand Peewee Reese and inning a by Mickey Owen on which getto double Reese was nailed at the plate tryto follow Lavagetto home. An etur Vaughan and singles by ing Pete Reiser and Lavagetto brought another tally in the third, and in the sixth Reese singled and Owen doubled for a final run.

Plitsburgh Brockien ab ch Handles 3 3 0 5011 1 2 1 2 2 0 3 Elliott. V.Rob Fletcher saal 010 2 2 1 Medwick, If 0 1 10 0 Lav 0 2 2 0 Camilli, 1 0 3 11.0 0 DiMag c.ct 4 0 1 2 8 4 1 4 Lopez.c Guttine, 4 0 Owen.c 02 0 0 1 Kimball.p 0000 Heint aa.p Tamulis.p Brown.o a Durocher 0 Wicker.p 00000 IbDavis 10000 36 8 11 27 13 35 3 10 27 12 aBatted for Brown in sixth. bBatted for. Wicker in ninth. Score by innings: R.

2- 0 3 Error- Vaughan. Runs batted in Owen 2, Vaughan 2. Elliott, Lavagetto, Fletcher Van Robays, DiMaggio 2. hits- Owen Elliott, Wicker. Threetase Bit Vaughan.

Home Fletcher, DiMaggio. Stolen bases- DiMaggio, Gustine. Fletcher, Double Heintzelman to Gustine to plays Gustine to Vaughan acher. Left on bases Pittsburgh 9. mar 3, 8.

Kimball Base 2, on Tamulis balls- off 2, Brown Heintzel- 3. Struck out -by 1. Heintzelman Hits- off Kimball 1. Brown 4. Wicker in 2 inning (none out in third.

Tamaulis none in 1. Brown 3 in Wicker 4 in 3. Hit by pitcher-by Brown ire (Fletcher). pitcher Kimball. Umpires Barr.

Wild pitch -Heintzelman. Sears and Jorda. Time- 2:28. paid. 5,480 boys.

Bettina Fights Burman Tonight New York -Chick Meehan stages his second boxing show in opposition to Mike Jacobs' "monopoly" tonight at Ebbets Field. featuring a 10-round bout between 'Heavyweight Melio Bettins and Red Burman. Meehan, former football coach at New York University and Manhattan, expects to make money tonight because he has big names on his card. He lost about $7,000 with his first show two weeks ago when he had no big-timers to trot out. The Bettina -Burman match shapes up as a good fight, and it is supported by two other 10-round bouts in which well-known heavyweights appear: Lee Savold vs.

Soily Kriegar and Pat Comiskey vs. Henry Cooper. In the feature brawl, Southpaw Bettina of Beacon, N. is trying to use Burman of Baltimore- Jack Dempsey's protege- stepping stone in a winter title fight. with Jee Louis.

Bettina, former light heavyweight champion, is unbeaten as a heavyweight. He defeated 23 big fellows, knocking out 17 of them. If he can add Baltimore Red to his list tonight, Mauling Mello then can demand another tilt with Billy Conn, whom he gave two great fights in 1939. Victory over Conn would clinch a winter match with Louis, if Bomber Joe is still champion then. Montgomery Ward's softball tear lost a thrilling 15 inning softball game to Chatham at Elkin Sunday when Foster of Chatham slammed out a home run to break up the pitching duel The homer was one of only four hits granted by Collins of Montgomery Ward.

Parker led Montgorery Ward with three bits. Ward 100 110 000 000 010-4 Chatham 102 000 000 000 011-5 Collins and Murphy; Judd and Cothern. ANTICS MYSTERIOUS Puebla, Colo. (UP) The actiens of a prowler who broke into His nome last week has Cecil Waldon completely baffled. The intrader ransacked dresser drawers.

looked through a trunk, sorce papers on the kitchen floor, ate a piece of cake and stole four pennies. Homer in 15th Beats Montgomery Wards Made they're raving about (PAL: HIS YOUR DOUBLE-EDSE BAZOR PERFECTLY A PAL 16 tor 256. tarl 103 Raleigh that the Carolina had "written up" its books to show valuation were made yesterday at planer commission hearing which, counsel last several weeks. Norman B. Gray, conducting the hearing Panama Canal Placed Under Restrictions Washington (P).

Drastic restriction on foreign shipping through the Panama Canal was disclosed officially yesterday and Japanese vessels apparently were affected most the action. Sumner Welles, acting secretary of state, said that all shipping agencies have been notified order by canal authorities restrictor prohibiting transit of merchant shipping for the time being to permit urgent repairs. Whether all was affected was not revealed, nor did Welles indicate how long it would take to complete the repairs. A group of Japanese after a week-long wait at the canal for transit from the Atlantic to the Pacific, was sailing southward, apparently on the long route homeward around Cape Horn. Five vessels which had waited a week sailed for Rio de Janeiro yesterday and two other more recent arrivals at the canal left for an undisclosed destination.

All were presumed to be going around the cape to the Pacific. One Japanese captain, displaying a cable from Tokyo saying that the canal was closed, laughed and pointed at other ships moving through. Authorities at the canal declined to say why the Japanese had been denied transit. The Japanese embassy made representations last. week to facilitate clearance for two Japanese vessels which had been delayed in sailing fromone American east coast ports ship awaiting transit through the canal.

Welles said at that he understood some canal repairs were being made and that the delays to other ships were due to local conditions rather than to any concerted action to hamper Japanese shipping. The reorganization of the Japacabinet last week, however, nese has intensified speculation on possible new Japanese military moves which would precipitate a crisis in the Pacific. A European observer in Hong Kong reported today that fleet Japanese military transport vessels left the mouth of the Canton River in South China yesterday for an unknown destination, possibly connected with plans direction. by Japan to strike in some Funeral Is Today For W. C.

Stiles. Killed in Wreck (Special to The Journal) Thomas funeral service for Weaver C. Stiles who was killed in a train accident Friday night will be conducted at 1017 West Green street in High Point Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock and burial will follow in Floral Garden cemetery. Mr. Stiles is survived by his father and mother, Mr.

Mrs. Robert L. Stiles; six brothers, J. L. Stiles, I.

P. Stiles, F. W. Stiles, G. L.

Stiles, and C. E. Stiles all of of High Point L. H. Stiles Bryson City; four sisters, Mrs.

E. J. Mashburn, Miss Stiles, Mrs. M. A.

Marley and Miss Josephine Stiles, all of High Point. Zoo Noises Awaken St. Louis Citizens St. Louis tough enough sleeping these hot July nights without the roar of a lion to awaken you. But that cry is interrupting slumbers of St.

Louisans near the Forest Park Zoo. Joining in the king of beast's midnight chorus, 200 director George P. Vierheller said, were the hyenas, wolves and sea lions. They are aroused to their best vocal efforts by fire sirens. The Great Outdoors The dodder that is now over and wrapping itself around the plants of the field is a good example of what happens when dependence is aliowed to run a little too long.

The dodder begins in the regular way, springing up from a seed and getting its nourishment from the soil like its neighbors. It puts out length after length of a yellow or reddish thread fitted with tiny suckers that fasten themselves to neighboring plants. Finding that these neighbors will take care of it, the dodder casts its line loose from the ground, allows root to wither away, nad finally becomes a parasite. It goes SO complete, that it not only hangs its weight on a neighbor but sometimes strangles it, so that both host and parasite perish together. An name for dodder was "love which name somehow contains sardonic touch.

It has also been called "angel's hair." And indeed it is rather pretty in some surroundings. We saw the other day the purple blue flower of the ruellia surrounded by orange-colored loops of dodder. With the green leaves as background, the color harmony was perfect. The dodder's own leaves have degencrated into mere scales, but it continues to bear flowers and seeds. Sun rises Tuesday at 5:22 a.m.

and sets at 7:31 p.m. Temperature during the past 24 hours: high, 88; low, 64. Washington forecast North Carolina--Partly cloudy and warmer Tuesday and Wednesday. South Carolina and GeorgiaPartly cloudy and continued warm Tuesday and Wednesday: sealtered afternoon thundershowers, mostly in south portion. Florida--Partly cloudy and con- Power and Light Company $23,920,000 in excess of proper the opening of the federal for both sides agreed, might for the commission, denied 0002 BALL AP Kirby Defends Tourney Title Asheville (P).

One of the largest fields in the history of the tournament, headed by Defending Champion Dorothy Kirby of Atlanta, and Louise Suggs, the little southern titleholder from Lithia Springs, will tee off this morning, in the the 19th 18-hole annual qualifying women's invitation event at Biltmore Forest. In a practice round yesterday, the comely Miss from Georgia's capital city posted a 74, one under women's par and only three over regulation figures for men. She had a 37 on each nine. She played with Miss Suggs, Caroline Dykes of Columbus, and Virginia Vines of Scituate, Mass. Miss Suggs had a 41-40-81.

Late yesterday afternoon 50 players were entered in the competition which annually attracts the better southern linkswomen as well as several star players from other sections. In the finals, last year Miss Kirby defeated Jane Crum of angeburg, S. 3 and 2, to win the title. The South Carolinian will be unable to take part in the current event because summer school work at the University of South Carolina. The only other absentee of note is Jane Cothran of Greenville, S.

three time winner of the Biltmore Forest championship, who is nursing a bad hand and unable to play at all. Cis Marion Wins At Empire City New York K. Bryson's Cis Marion, which hadn't won a race since the Pimlico Oaks last May, got the final week of the Empire City meeting under way yesterday by coming on fast in the final furlong to win the Maud Muller class handicap. Jockey Ruperto Donoso, piloting his charge over the mile and a sixteenth in the smart time of 1:45 flat, earned a double for the day. George D.

Widener's speedy but unreliable Rosetown, made the favorite in the field of fillies and mares, got to a fast start and still was front rounding away, the final turn into the home strech. But the Bryson filly came up fast on outside and was drawing away at the finish to win by a length as Rosetown came in three lengths to the good over The heavy strain of small margins may be taking its toll. He has worked 184 innings this season, a total exceeded in the major leagues only by Feller. The Dodgers also are worried about Kirby Higbe, who like Wyatt has won 13 games and borne a large share of the burden. He was batted out of the box by the Cardinals last Friday and Sunday was taken to a hospital to be treated for an unruly appendix.

After 24 hours of observation doctors decided no operation would be necessary for the present, at least, and gave him permission to accompany the club on its western invasion starting last night. Manager Leo Durocher, however. said he would not be used before the team reaches Pittsburgh, second stop on the tour. It put three balls exactly where Ilone to Cincinnati 3-2 and I'm not and allowed no hits in the first four innings. Sunday, in losing to wanted them and they banged counting that 16 inning game." the Pittsburgh Pirates, he struck every one." The 16 inning game he re- out the first three innings.

six The reason Wyatt so con- ferred to went 0-0 for nine working on cerned by his sudden slip is easily understandable. He is 31 years old, partly bald, and has had three previous chances with big league clubs. This season looked like his turn to strike pay dirt. "They just off on the ones you win," he explained, "and I figure get a chance to win only so many. You can just get in a certain number of games and if you don't win while you're out there, then that's an opportunity lost.

"The way I figure it, I ought to have won 17 games now, with any kind of baseball luck. For one thing we haven't been able to get very many runs when I've been out there. Look at Feller. He had a little let down, but he was winning games 9 to 7 and scores like that. "I lost one at St.

Louis 1-0 and the outset a company motion that the case be dismissed. The company has been ordered to show cause why the $23,920,000 item should not be placed in an adjustment account and written off, reducing its book valuation from the present total of 000,000 to about $73,000,000. Counsel for the commission said if such action were taken, as recommended by the commission investigators, most of the utility's $25,000,000 of common stock would be worthless. The majority of this stock, they said, is held by a holdling company. The power firm also has been ordered to show why it "failed to comply with the requirements of the commission's uniform system of accounts" and why the remainder of its book requirements of the uniform system of accounts prescribed for public utilities." Pleading for dismissal, attorneys for Carolina Power and Light contended the federal commission lacked jurisdiction.

They maintained the proposed change would recast the books "upon fictitious and unlawful bases" and that the system of accounts proposed by the commission is "arbitrary, capricious and unreasonable." Only witness questioned yesterday was Arthur M. McCabe, a co-ordinator for engineering and accounting departments of the company, who told of difficulties in reclassifying accounts as ordered by the commission. Representatives of the North Carolina and South Carolina utilities commissions were authorized to participate in the hearing, but declined. Observers for both commissions were on hand, however, with Edgar A. Womble representing the North Carolina commission and Harold Major and J.

N. Land representing the South Carolina commission. Attorneys for the utility were general counsel W. H. Weatherspoon and J.

L. Emanuel, Raleigh; Sidman L. Barber, New York; and Douglass Arant, Birmingham, Ala. Appearing for the power commission were re George Slaff and Reuben Goldberg. Women Takes Poison, Dies At Mount Airy (Special to The Journal) Mount Airy.

Bernice B. Wilson, 28, young Mount Airy woman was found dead in her room in an apartment building here at 11:30 o'clock Monday morning. Indications being that she had been dead since sometime Saturday night. Her death was investigated by Sheriff Harvey S. Boyd and by county's coroner, Dr.

Robert E. Smith, who declared the death to be a clear case of suicide by poisoning, portion of a bottle of poison solution being found near the body. Miss Wilson was born March 1913, the daughter of Cebron J. Wilson and the late Martha Alice Nunn Wilson. She had spent her entire life in this section.

Her survivors include the father, Cebron J. Wilson; five brothers, Raymond, Cebron, Billy, Teddy Leon and Ralph Blaine Wilson, and five sisters, Mrs. G. W. Marshall, Mrs.

Lacy Mosely and Misses Lee, Louise and Peggy Mae Wilson. Funeral services will be held from the Grove Baptist 'Church near Pilot Mountain at 10:30 Wednesday morning, with Rev. O. E. Ward officiating.

Burial will be in the Brims Grove Cemetery. tinued warm Tuesday and Wednesday; scattered afternoon thundershowers. Kentucky Fair and warmer Tuesday; Wednesday considerable cloudiness and continued warm with widely scattered afternoon thundershowers. Tennessee--Generally fair Tuesday and Wednesday except for scattered afternoon thundershowers Wednesday, and in south portion Tuesday, slightly warmer in east and portions Tuesday. West and warmer Tuesday; Wednesday increas- ing cloudiness and warmer.

Maryland Fair and warmer Wednesday. generally fair and warmer. Virginia- Wienerally, fair Tuesday and somewhat warmer Wednesday and in the interior Tuesday, District of Columbia--Fair and warmer with highest temperature about 85 degrees Tuesday: Wednesday fair and somewhat warmer. Washington bureau reeords temperature and rainfall fer the 24 hours ending 8 p.m., in the principal areas and elsewhere: Station High Low Rainfall Asheville 87 Atlanta Birmingham Charlotte 0. he Chicago Cleveland Galveston Jacksonville Kansas City Key West Los Angeles Lenisville Memphis Miami Paul New Orleans 8.14 New York Norfolk Pittsburgh Portland, Me.

Portland, Ore. Richmond St. Louis San Francisco Savannah Washington Wilmington HERE IN Winston-Salem NEW SUPER MOTOR OIL SHELL 4100 MOTOR a quart FOR SUSTAINED HIGHSPEED DRIVING AND OTHER EXTREME CONDITIONS DRAIN AND REFILL WITH SHELL X-100 TODAY QUALITY OIL CO. stanzas and then in the tenth Wyatt himself hit a home run. But his stomach was upset and he couldn't return to the mound.

Hugh Casey took over, let the Reds tie the score and then got credit for Brooklyn's eventual victory. Wyatt said his arm felt a little stiff in Boston in his last start before the All-Star game. He sent a telegram to Bill McKechnie, manager of the National League Stars, telling him it was sore, but agreed to pitch, and shut out the Americans for his two innings on the mound. He said yesterday his arm did not pain him now, however, and that it never better than it did last Wednesday night when the Cardinals shelled him out in the fifth. That night he fanned six men.

Winston-Salem Journal from Winston-Salem, North Carolina (2024)


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Winston-Salem is called the "Twin City" for its dual heritage, and the "Camel City" as a reference to the city's historic involvement in the tobacco industry related to locally based R. J. Reynolds' Camel cigarettes. Many natives of the city and North Carolina refer to the city as "Winston" in informal speech.

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What does tre fo mean in Winston-Salem? ›

On 34Corine: “[The title] comes from my hometown, Winston-Salem. We call Winston-Salem the tre-fo, so the 3 and 4.

What is the ethnicity of Winston-Salem NC? ›

Population & Diversity

In 2022, there were 1.39 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (112k people) in Winston-Salem, NC than any other race or ethnicity. There were 80.9k Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) and 15.2k White (Hispanic) residents, the second and third most common ethnic groups.

What part of Winston-Salem is the best to live in? ›

Ardmore is a historic district in Winston Salem and is one of the best places to live. It boasts of Queen Anne craftsman-style architecture, which is popular amongst new buyers. In addition, the neighborhood is equipped with nature trails and Salem Lake park for all your outdoor adventures.

Is it cheap to live in Winston-Salem? ›

According to C2ER (the Council for Community and Economic Research), the cost of living in Winston Salem is estimated to be 86.3% of the national average making it one of the least expensive cities in the US.

What is the safest neighborhood in Winston-Salem NC? ›

Safest Winston-Salem Area Neighborhoods
  • Midway East.
  • Dozier / Vienna.
  • Gum Tree.
  • Midway.
  • Pfafftown.
  • Huntscroft / New Forestdale.
  • Meadowlark Dr / Century Oaks Ln.
  • Old Sherwood Forest / Robinhood Trails.

What is the circulation of the Winston-Salem Journal? ›

Winston-Salem Journal
Front page on August 28, 2011
TypeDaily newspaper
Circulation19,674 Daily 20,548 Sunday (as of 2023)
OCLC number12156422
9 more rows

Where is the Winston-Salem Journal located? ›

418 N. Marshall St. Our regular business hours are: Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.

How much is WSJ? ›

This plan costs $29/year (or $2.95/month) for subscribers to The Wall Street Journal or Barron's or $59/year ($5.95/month) for nonsubscribers. (Prices listed are in U.S. dollars and do not include applicable tax.)

What channel is ABC on in Winston Salem? ›

WXLV ABC 45 | Winston-Salem NC.

How do I email the Winston Salem Journal? ›

Our email address is: Essays may also be mailed to: The Readers' Forum, 418 N. Marshall St., Winston-Salem, NC 27101. Please include your name and address and a daytime telephone number.

How do I pay for Times subscription? ›

What payments methods are available for the purchase of a Times subscription? We accept VISA and MasterCard debit or credit card payments, American Express and PayPal. Some subscription packs also offer payment via Direct Debit.

What is the nickname for Winston? ›

Winnie” can be used as a short form for Winston, but it's more commonly used as a shortened form of the female name Winnifred.

Why is Winston-Salem called Dash city? ›

Winston grew to be three times the size of Salem by 1910, so the two towns decided to merge and officially came together as Winston-Salem in 1913. (Fun fact: The hyphen was added to connect the two names, which is where the name for our minor league baseball team, The Dash, comes from.)

What is Winston-Salem State known for? ›

Founded in 1892, WSSU enjoys a distinguished reputation as a historically black constituent institution of the University of North Carolina that offers a rich curriculum rooted in a high-quality, liberal education.

What is Winston-Salem names after? ›

Winston, founded in 1849 as the county seat, was named in 1851 for Major Joseph Winston, a Revolutionary War hero. Salem (from the Hebrew shalom, meaning “peace”) was laid out in 1766 by Moravian colonists in the centre of their Wachovia land tract; it was incorporated in 1856, when the land was sold to outsiders.

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.