Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (2024)

Mon May 20, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Claire tells Summer she turned down the job, Diane accuses Kyle of undermining her, and Lily and Devon scheme against Billy.

Friday’s recap: Victor tortured Jordan and Summer was furious when Kyle told Harrison Claire could be his nanny.

(This day ahead recap episode airs in the USA on May 20. Expect spoilers! Recaps go live by 4:15 PM EST daily.)

Audra runs into Sally in the foyer of the GCAC.

Sally thinks she looks great and clearly worked things out with Tucker.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (1)

Audra admits she’s going out for dinner with someone other than Tucker.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (2)

Sally reminds her that they are in love and were about to leave for Paris.

Audra says there has been a lot of back and forth, up and down, and she needs something casual so she doesn’t have to stress.

Spectra is startled to hear she’s having dinner with Nate.

This seems fast. She reminds her of her career.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (3)

Audra thinks it would serve Tucker right if she snatched Glissade away from him.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (4)

Devon joins Lily and Nate at Chancellor-Winters.

They talk about the board meeting and then Nate explains to them that he is taking Audra out to dinner.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (5)

They are confused. Nate insists this is only social.

His cousins don’t trust Audra. She’s underhanded.

He assures her that there will be nothing underhanded and he will be discrete.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (6)

Once he takes off, they worry about Tucker having a problem with that.

Devon breaks the news that Phyllis no longer works for them and was leaking information.

None of that is a surprise to Lily.

She is surprised that he went to Tucker for help.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (7)

He assures her they can handle this without his father’s help.

Flowers are delivered.

They are from Billy and the note accuses them of trying to box him out.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (8)

Devon punctures the balloon.

They complain about how obnoxious this is and how betrayed they feel by Jill.

They rehash Abby voting against them and he admits he’s disappointed.

Lily admits she’s re-thinking Daniel’s lawsuit and considering finding some middle-ground.

Right now, Billy needs to be their focus.

He suggests they kill the merger and leave Chancellor behind.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (9)

They wonder how to fix this. He thinks the only way is getting out.

She doubts Jill and Billy will make it easy. Lily thinks they may have the right incentive.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (10)

She explains that Billy tries to persuade her to turn on him. That sounds insane to him.

Lily thinks they could use it to their advantage.

She could tell Billy she’s agreeing to his plan if they cut Chancellor loose.

He thinks that could work.

She laughs that they have come around to Mamie’s idea.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (11)

Tucker walks into the jazz club and finds Diane sitting at the bar.

She’s not happy to see him but he suggests they celebrate all of her success.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (12)

He wonders why she’s on her own. She’s supposed to be meeting with client.

He starts goading her about the family dynasty until she snaps.

He asks if there’s a chance Billy might return to Jabot.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (13)

She’s defensive and he explains that he’s just looking out for Devon.

As far as she knows, Billy is happy at his mom’s company.

She assumes there must be an issue between him and Devon.

Diane does not want to get involved with this.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (14)

Audra joins Nate at Society and he declares he looks stunning.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (15)

He ordered wine for her.

They talk about how he wants to be a better friend to her. She says he’s decent.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (16)

He’d like to be better than that and starts quizzing her about her career plans.

She’d rather discuss something else.

He reminds her they mostly talk about company stuff.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (17)

They decide not to talk business for once but keep things personal.

They toast to their own company.

They go over his fancy resume, travelling, and swimming competitions.

She tells him about her interest in visual art.

He had no idea she had so many talents.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (18)

Tucker intrudes and she tries to chase him off, saying she’s already made herself clear.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (19)

She snubs him and asks Nate to walk her back to her room for a nightcap.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (20)

He sits at the bar. When Sally comes in, he asks her for a minute and hopes she she can tell him he hasn’t completely blown things with Audra.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (21)

She doesn’t think so.

He can understand Audra being upset with him but now he wonders if something is going on with Nate.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (22)

If she’s doing it to make him jealous, it’s working.

He worries he is losing her.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (23)

Sally thinks there is hope but he needs to get his act together.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (24)

Nate and Audra are in the doorway of the GCAC.

She tells him she’s finally listening to his warnings about Tucker and is ready to let him go.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (25)

He thanks her for the evening.

She asks him up to her suite.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (26)

In her suite, Audra pours Tucker’s scotch for Nate.

He’s sure McCall wouldn’t like this.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (27)

She knows. Tucker starts knocking on the door.

Nate answers. Audra smirks across the room at Tucker.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (28)

Nate tells the other man she wants nothing more to do with him and he should walk away with his dignity.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (29)

They close the door on his face and toast.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (30)

Tucker takes a deep breath.

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At the Abbott estate, Kyle finishes a deal over the phone with Mr Foley and assures the man that his mother will understand.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (31)

Claire arrives after Kyle has called her over. She worries something is wrong but he offers her the nanny job.

She thinks this is great.

She can have a job and purpose.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (32)

This means the world to her. She wants to thank Summer.

She’s grateful she changed her mind.

“Summer did change her mind, right?” she asks.

He explains that he made his case but she still has concerns.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (33)

Claire thinks she needs to be at ease.

Kyle explains his son cares about her and seeing her on a regular basis will help him.

She’d like to help and he thinks his son needs a pal like her.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (34)

Claire would love to agree but she can’t undermine Summer.

He offers to work on her but his son needs her now.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (35)

Diane arrives after Claire is gone and confronts her son about closing the deal with Mr Foley behind her back.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (36)

He asks her not to overreact and says she can take credit for it if she wants to.

That’s not what this is about.

She accuses him of sabotaging her.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (37)

He claims Foley came to him because he thought she didn’t have the chops.

They bicker about credentials and she accuses him of undermining her and he suggests she is always undercutting her.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (38)

Diane loves him but this has to stop.

She orders him not to finalize the deal and walks off.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (39)

He immediately calls to finalize it.

Claire goes to see Summer at her suite in the GCAC and tells her she didn’t take the job.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (40)

If she’s going to talk to her, Summer needs a drink.

They go down to the club and Claire explains that Kyle offered her the nanny position.

She turned it down because she knew she didn’t approve.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (41)

She knows that she causes ehr pain and doesn’t want to make things harder.

She does think Harrison is adorable and sees her as an ally.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (42)

Summer knows he likes her but that doesn’t mean having her around is healthy.

Claire would like to be part of his support system but only if she approves.

Summer can respect that she cares about her son but nothing will make her being around okay.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (43)

She can’t let go of the things she’s done. Claire wants to make amends.

Summer reminds her of all the things she did.

Claire won’t deny them but insists she has changed and is no longer a threat.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (44)

That’s not something Summer can believe.

Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (45)

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Y&R Recap: Claire Turns Kyle Down, Audra & Nate Slam Her Door on Tucker When He Interrupts Their Date & Billy Taunts Lily (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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