Admissions | Current Applicants (2024)


Scholarships Available

Questions You May Still Have:

At WGU, we don't just want you to enroll. We want you to succeed.

That's why every step of the enrollment process is focused on helping you and the university jointly assess your personal readiness to take on a full-time, online, competency-based degree program. It's the reason you have an Enrollment Counselor. And it's why you have a personally assigned faculty member—yourProgram Mentor—whose sole job responsibility is to ensure you succeed and graduate. When you enroll in a WGU program, you can do so confidently—because you know we're confident in you, too!

There are a number of things you can do to ensure you're ready to fit college into your life.

  • Start by making school a top priority.
  • Prepare to set aside time and energy specifically dedicated to schoolwork.
  • Set up a schedule and study space, planning to spend 20 hours a week on your studies.
  • Set attainable, short-term goals, which will keep you on track to your long-term goal of a degree without overwhelming or discouraging you.
  • Identify your personal support system—family members, coworkers, friends, whoever you can count on.

Learn more about Program Mentors

The core of WGU's mission is to make a high-quality higher education accessible to everyone—and that includes financial accessibility. We prioritize affordability, as well as value—which means getting more bang for less buck.

We hope you've been shopping around and comparing our tuition with other online and traditional universities. You'll find our tuition and flat, transparent fees highly competitive—often half what you'd pay elsewhere.

But even at its most affordable, college tuition is a major investment. Here are a few ways you can fit a WGU program into your budget:

  • Explorescholarship opportunities. With more than $23 million in scholarships available in 2021, see what you might be eligible to apply for.
  • Apply forfinancial aid. WGU is approved to offer federal financial aid, but also provides students with the financial counseling and support to ensure you borrow responsibly. It's why our student loan default rate is less than half the national average, and why our students, on average, graduate with half the student debt alumni of other schools have.
  • Speed up. Our competency-based model, combined with a flat-rate tuition charged per term (rather than per course or per credit), means that when you progress faster through material you already know well or learn quickly, you can graduate sooner and reduce your overall cost!

Learn more about Scholarships

Going back to school requires a real time commitment. You should plan to fit about 20 hours of school time into your schedule each week. But at WGU, where and how school fits into your schedule is up to you.Flexibility is our hallmark!

What does that mean?

  • 24/7 access to coursework and study materials.
  • The ability to do your schoolwork—even take secure, proctored tests—any time, day or night, and anywhere you can access the internet.
  • No requirement to log in to class at a certain time.
  • The ability to create a personalized pace and timeline for each course that accounts for your schedule. As long as you complete courses at the minimum required pace, you can dedicate more study time one week and slow down when life gets hectic the next week.
  • A Program Mentor who can help you with time management and who understands that no two lives are alike for today’s busy adult students.

Read about Competency-Based Education

Learn more about the student experience

If you have prior college experience, please request all transcripts from previously attended institutions and submit them to the Transcripts Department of WGU. These will be used to evaluate the credits you've already earned for possible transfer into your program, or confirm the degrees you've already obtained

Requesting transcripts from previous schools you've attended varies depending on the school's policies, but WGU's Transcripts Department and your Enrollment Counselor can help answer any questions you have. If you've applied for admission but have not yet requested your transcripts, get started now to expedite your enrollment date!

Learn more about requesting your transcripts

At WGU, we care that you've learned what you need to know to be successful—not where or how you learned it. If you have credits from previous college experience, chances are many can be transferred to your bachelor's degree program at WGU.

For example, if you hold an associate's degree from an institution that is recognized as nationally or regionally accredited by the U.S. Department of Education, you should clear most of the lower-division general education requirements for a bachelor’s degree in business or information technology. But even if you've only taken a few courses, transfer credit can help speed your time to graduation, reduce your coursework load, and lower your overall tuition cost.

Learn more about transferring credits

Going Back to School

Your Enrollment Counselor: Your personal guide as you get going.

You've applied for admission to WGU—the huge first step on this important journey to your degree. Now, on to the next step.

Enrolling in a university program is a big decision. It's important that you take it seriously—and being a little nervous or uncertain is a good thing! You may also be ready to get started but need guidance on what to do next.

Your Enrollment Counselor is there for you as you get started on this adventure. Think of them as your guide as you gear up and get going, the trusted advisor you consult with as you embark on a new endeavor.

Justdon'tthink of them as a salesperson.

Your Enrollment Counselor is as invested in your success as you are. The last thing they want is for you to bite off more than you can chew. Work closely with your Enrollment Counselor and you'll be well on your way to your goals!

Don't Stop Now

Wherever you are on your way toward enrollment, your personal Enrollment Portal is your home base! Check your progress as you make your way through the steps to getting started. Find links to resources and support.Get in touch with your Enrollment Counselor.

Millions in Scholarships

Apply now for the WGU 25th Anniversary Next Generation Scholarship, or one of the dozens of scholarships available to make your degree more affordable.

See Our Scholarships

Get your Enrollment Checklist

Download a step-by-step PDF checklist, your guide to completing your enrollment at WGU, and take the next step on your way to achieving your educational goals today!

Get the Checklist

Federal Financial Aid Available

Most WGU students qualify for federal aid. To be eligible for federal student aid (grants, loans, and work-study funds), you have to meet certain requirements.

Check Your Aid Eligibility

Take the next step.

No need to wait for spring or fall semester. It's back-to-school time now. You could be on your way to your degree—sooner than you might think!

Four online colleges. 60+ flexible degree programs. One highly respected national university.

Our commitment to your success starts with our focus on four high-demand fields: K–12 teaching and education, nursing and healthcare, information technology, and business. Every degree program at WGU is designed to fit a high-growth, highly rewarding career path. Which college fits you?

Bachelor's Degrees
Master's Degrees
Bachelor's Degrees
Master's Degrees
Bachelor's Degrees
Master's Degrees
Bachelor's Degrees
Master's Degrees
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Admissions |  Current Applicants (2024)


What is an admissions application? ›

Application for Admission or “admission application” means a form, separate from the enrollment agreement, which is submitted by an applicant prior to the signing of the enrollment agreement and evaluated by the school for admission purposes.

How do admissions officers rate applicants? ›

Admissions officers look at “hard factors — GPA, grades, and test scores — and soft factors — essays, extracurricular activities, recommendations, and demonstrated interest — to gain a full picture of applicants.

What do admissions teams do? ›

Once a student meets the school's academic standards, their admissions officer will review the rest of their application package, including their essays and extracurricular profile. On average, readers spend four to 10 minutes assessing these elements before assigning the application a score.

How many admissions officers look at my application? ›

At most selective colleges an application will be read by a minimum of two admissions professionals, and could be read by as many as four. Generally, the first reader is the regional admission officer–the person who knows the school and region, and may have met the student.

What is an applicant for admission? ›

To lawfully enter the United States, a noncitizen must apply and present himself or herself in person to an immigration officer at a U.S. port of entry when the port is open for inspection. A noncitizen who arrives at a port of entry and presents himself or herself for inspection is an applicant for admission.

What does admissions mean in college? ›

Admissions Process

The entire process you go through to get into college. To define admissions, you need to include a number of components. The process starts early in high school as you begin building your GPA and ends when you move into your dorm.

How do admissions officers pick students? ›

Factors That Most Affect Admission Decision. Many small, selective colleges pay greater attention to personal statements and essays, teacher and counselor recommendations, leadership experiences, and the individual talents of applicants. They typically offer the chance for a face-to-face interview.

What do admissions officers look at first? ›

The Admissions Rubric breaks down what college admissions officers are looking for into two categories, the “hard factors,” like grades, test scores, and courses, and the “soft factors,” like extracurricular activities, essays, demonstrated interest, and more.

How can I impress my admissions officer? ›

Academic performance (GPA/ Test Scores)

The first and most ubiquitous factor, a student that performs well in their courses is favored during the admissions process. While perfect test scores are not a requirement for entry into an Ivy League school, it's better to have high test scores and a good GPA than to not.

Who makes admission decisions? ›

An admissions committee is a group of people who review your application and decide whether you'll be a good match for their school.

Should you call an admissions officer? ›

Should I contact the admissions officer? Waiting is also highly stressful and you'll find that you have questions for the university. It's ok to contact the admissions officer either by email or by calling them. In most cases, admissions offices will be more than willing to help you.

What does an admissions officer do? ›

Admissions officers provide information about their institution to interested students and review applications to help determine which students will be accepted. You typically find admissions officers at colleges and universities, though some private high schools also have admissions officers on staff.

What is a red flag for admissions officers? ›

Any evidence of plagiarism or academic dishonesty in an application can have severe consequences and raise serious red flags for admissions officers. Academic integrity is highly valued by colleges, and dishonesty in application materials can lead to automatic rejection.

How old are most admissions officers? ›

Admissions coordinators and counselors (median age 30) tend to be considerably younger than heads of admissions (median age 40), chief admissions officers (median age 45), or higher ed professionals in general (median age 43).

Do admissions officers look at social media? ›

Unless you specifically call out your social media accounts in your application, college admissions officers probably won't go looking for your profile. If they do, "they're looking for information to corroborate other parts of the application," Nguyen says.

What does it mean to get an admission? ›

Admission is permission given to a person to enter a place, or permission given to a country to enter an organization. Admission is also the act of entering a place. Students apply for admission to a particular college. [

What does admissions do? ›

Admission officers review student applications, decide which applications to accept and provide prospective students with information. They also help students transferring credits from other schools and visit educations institutions to give presentations.

What is the purpose of the request for admissions? ›

A Request for Admission asks the other side in your case to admit that a fact is true or that a document is authentic. If the other side admits that something is true or authentic, you will not need to prove that at trial.

Is an admission letter an acceptance letter? ›

Acceptance letters are the admission letters that everyone wants to receive. These letters may include information about next steps, deadlines, scholarships and awards, special programs, and more. You may receive admission to more than one college.

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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.