Congo Puffer (Tetraodon miurus): Species Profile & Care Guide - Fish Laboratory (2024)

Congo Puffer (Tetraodon miurus): Species Profile & Care Guide - Fish Laboratory (1)

The Congo Puffer (Tetraodon miurus), also known as Potato Puffers, is a fascinating freshwater fish native to the Congo River Basin in Africa. What makes this species particularly interesting is its unique ability to inflate its body as a defense mechanism against predators.

Unlike many other pufferfish that inhabit marine environments, the Congo Puffer resides in freshwater ecosystems. It features a striking coloration that can range from deep green to brown, often with a mottled pattern that helps it blend into its natural habitat. This species is also known for its solitary and territorial behavior, often requiring ample space and specific water conditions when kept in aquariums.

The Congo Puffer’s diet in the wild predominantly consists of snails, worms, and other small invertebrates, showcasing its role as a natural pest controller. Despite its docile appearance when not threatened, this pufferfish is equipped with sharp teeth capable of cracking hard-shelled prey, highlighting its adaptability and prowess as a predator.

Common Name(s)Congo Puffer, Potato Puffer
Scientific NameTetraodon miurus
OriginCentral Africa, primarily in the Congo River Basin
Temperature24°C to 28°C (75°F to 82°F)
SizeUp to 6 inches (15 cm)
Minimum Tank Size30 gallons (114 liters) for a single individual
Food & DietCarnivorous diet; prefers snails, worms, crustaceans, and some frozen foods
LifespanAround 5 to 10 years, with proper care
Water pH6.5 to 7.5
Tank MatesBest kept alone due to their aggressive nature; can be kept with very large, peaceful fish in a large enough aquarium
BreedingBreeding in captivity is rare and not well documented
Common DiseasesProne to parasitic infections and diseases related to poor water quality; sensitive to nitrate and ammonia levels

Table of Contents

Congo Puffer Care

Congo Puffers are unique freshwater fish that demand specific care to thrive in aquarium settings. They are not considered particularly hardy and require attentive and experienced care due to their specific water quality and dietary needs. Ideal conditions include a well-maintained tank with stable, clean water, a pH level around 6.5-7.5, and temperatures between 76-82°F (24-28°C).

They can be aggressive and territorial, often requiring a species-only tank or carefully chosen tank mates to avoid conflicts. While fascinating and rewarding for the seasoned aquarist, Congo Puffers may not be the best choice for beginners due to their specific care requirements and potential for aggression.

Food & Diet

The Congo Puffer requires a specific diet to thrive in captivity. Here’s an overview of the food and diet suitable for a Congo Puffer:

Diet Requirements

  • Variety: The Congo Puffer is a carnivorous species that thrives on a varied diet. In the wild, their diet consists of smaller fish, invertebrates, and crustaceans. In captivity, it’s crucial to replicate this diet to ensure their nutritional needs are met.
  • Live Foods: Offering live foods is essential for stimulating the natural hunting behaviors of Congo Puffers. Live foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and small feeder fish can encourage natural foraging and hunting instincts. However, it’s important to source live foods from reputable suppliers to avoid introducing diseases into the aquarium.
  • Frozen and Prepared Foods: High-quality frozen foods such as frozen bloodworms, shrimp, and krill can also be part of their diet. Additionally, there are prepared foods specifically designed for pufferfish that contain essential nutrients. When feeding frozen foods, ensure they are thawed properly before feeding.
  • Dental Care: Like many pufferfish, Congo Puffers have ever-growing teeth that need to be worn down to prevent overgrowth. Feeding hard-shelled foods like snails or crustaceans can help manage dental health by naturally wearing down their teeth.

Feeding Guidelines

  • Frequency: Feed adult Congo Puffers once a day or every other day, depending on the size of the meal. Juveniles may require feeding twice a day due to their faster metabolism and growth rate.
  • Quantity: Be mindful of the quantity of food offered at each feeding. Overfeeding can lead to water quality issues and health problems for the puffer. A good rule of thumb is to offer only as much food as the fish can consume in a few minutes.
  • Observation: Regularly observe your Congo Puffer’s feeding behavior and adjust the diet as necessary. Changes in appetite or preferences can be indicators of health issues or stress.

Additional Tips

Ensuring a balanced diet and proper care will help your Congo Puffer lead a healthy and long life in captivity. Always continue to research and adapt to the needs of your specific fish, as individual requirements can vary.

Be cautious with tank mates, as Congo Puffers can be aggressive, especially during feeding times. They are best kept in a species-specific tank or with carefully chosen, compatible tank mates.

Temperature & Water Parameters

Keeping Congo Puffers in an aquarium requires specific water conditions to ensure their health and well-being. Here are the general guidelines for the optimal temperature and water parameters:


Optimal temperature range for Congo Puffers are 24°C to 28°C (75°F to 82°F). They thrive in warm water, similar to its natural habitat in the Congo River Basin. It’s important to maintain a stable temperature within this range to prevent stress and health issues.

Water Parameters

  • pH Level: 6.5 to 7.5
  • Hardness: 4 to 15 dGH
  • Ammonia/Nitrite: 0 ppm
  • Nitrate: Less than 20 ppm

Additional Notes

  • Water Changes: Regular water changes (e.g., 25% weekly) are recommended to maintain water quality and remove toxins.
  • Filtration: A good filtration system is essential to keep the water clean and oxygenated without creating strong currents, as Congo Puffers prefer calmer waters.

It’s crucial to monitor water conditions regularly with a reliable test kit, as Congo Puffers are sensitive to poor water quality and fluctuations in water parameters. Adhering to these guidelines will help ensure your Congo Puffer remains healthy and vibrant.

Tank Size & Tank Setup

Setting up an appropriate tank for a Congo Puffer involves considering tank size, substrate, and decorations carefully to replicate their natural habitat and cater to their specific needs.

Tank Size

The recommended minimum tank size for a single Congo Puffer is at least 30 gallons. This size provides adequate space for the puffer to explore, burrow, and establish territories. If you plan to keep more than one, which is generally not recommended due to their territorial nature, you would need a significantly larger tank to prevent aggression, with plenty of hiding spots and visual barriers to break up lines of sight.

Tank Setup


A soft, sandy substrate is essential for a Congo Puffer tank. This mimics their natural environment and allows them to exhibit natural behaviors such as burrowing. The substrate should be several inches thick to enable this behavior without the risk of injury.

Decorations and Plants

Provide plenty of hiding places using rocks, driftwood, and plants. Live plants are beneficial as they help maintain water quality, though robust species are recommended as the Congo Puffer might burrow around them. Floating plants can help dim the lighting, which can mimic their natural habitat and make them feel more secure.


A powerful filter that can provide both mechanical and biological filtration without creating too much current is ideal. Congo Puffers are not strong swimmers, so a gentle water flow is preferred. Additionally, ensure the tank is well-cycled before introducing the puffer to prevent exposure to harmful chemicals.

Behavior & Temperament

Congo Puffers are renowned for its unique appearance and interesting behaviors, making it a popular choice among aquarium enthusiasts. Here’s an overview of the behavior and temperament of the Congo Puffer:


  • Solitary Nature: Congo Puffers are generally solitary and can be quite territorial. They tend to do best when housed alone or with very careful consideration of tank mates to avoid aggressive interactions.
  • Ambush Predator: They exhibit an ambush predator lifestyle, often burying themselves in the substrate or hiding among plants and decor to surprise prey. Their diet in the wild consists mainly of small fish, invertebrates, and sometimes crustaceans.
  • Active Observers: Despite their predatory nature, Congo Puffers are quite curious and can be very interactive with their environment and even their human caretakers. They are known to watch activities outside their tank and can recognize their feeders.


  • Aggressive Tendencies: They can show aggression towards other fish, especially in smaller tanks or when food is present. This aggression is more pronounced in confined spaces where they feel their territory is being invaded.
  • Territorial: Congo Puffers will establish a territory within their tank and defend it against intruders. This behavior requires aquarium hobbyists to provide ample space and hiding spots if attempting to house them with other species.
  • Intelligence and Personality: These puffers are noted for their intelligence and can exhibit a wide range of personalities from shy and retiring to bold and interactive. They often engage with enrichment activities provided by their owners, such as puzzles or targeted feeding to stimulate their active minds.

The Congo Puffer is a unique and engaging species that requires specific care to thrive in captivity. Their intelligence, personality, and striking appearance can make them a rewarding pet for experienced aquarium hobbyists willing to meet their needs.

Tank Mates

Congo Puffers can be aggressive, so it’s important to choose their tank mates wisely. Here are some general guidelines for selecting tank mates for a Congo Puffer:

Species Compatibility

  • Cautious Coexistence: Congo Puffers are predatory and can be aggressive, particularly towards smaller fish or those with long, flowing fins that might be mistaken for prey. Ideal tank mates should be peaceful yet large enough not to be considered food.
  • Similar Water Parameters: Choose species that thrive in similar water conditions (temperature, pH, hardness) as the Congo Puffer. This species prefers temperatures between 76-82°F (24-28°C), with a pH range of 6.5 to 7.5.

Suggested Tank Mates

  • Larger, Peaceful Fish: Some larger characins, barbs, and other robust, fast-moving species may coexist with Congo Puffers, provided they do not compete for food or territory.
  • Bottom Dwellers: Larger catfish species (e.g., certain Synodontis species) that occupy different tank regions might be suitable, as they are less likely to interact negatively with the puffer.
  • Other Puffers: While keeping more than one puffer together can be challenging due to their territorial nature, it is sometimes possible with a sufficiently large and well-structured aquarium.

Avoidance Criteria

  • Small or Delicate Fish: Avoid small, slow-moving, or delicate fish that the Congo Puffer might bully or eat.
  • Highly Aggressive Species: Aggressive fish could stress or harm the puffer, so they should be avoided.

Other Considerations

Careful monitoring of fish interactions is essential, especially during the initial introduction period. Be prepared to separate fish if aggressive behavior or bullying occurs.

Choosing tank mates for a Congo Puffer requires careful consideration of the temperament, size, and environmental needs of potential companions. Always prioritize the health and safety of all fish in the aquarium, being prepared to make adjustments as needed. Consulting with a fishkeeping professional or experienced aquarist can provide additional insights tailored to your specific setup.

Common Disease & Health Issues

Like all aquarium pets, Congo Puffers can be susceptible to several health issues and diseases, primarily due to poor water conditions, improper diet, and stress. Here are some common health issues that Congo Puffer fish may face:

  • Ichthyophthirius Multifiliis (Ich or White Spot Disease): A common parasitic infection in freshwater fish, characterized by white, salt-like speckles on the skin, fins, and gills. It is often caused by poor water quality or stress.
  • Nitrate/Nitrite Poisoning: High levels of nitrates and nitrites in the water can be toxic to fish, leading to symptoms such as lethargy, rapid gill movement, and gasping at the water’s surface.
  • Ammonia Poisoning: Ammonia levels can rise due to inadequate filtration or overfeeding, causing damage to the gills and internal organs, leading to symptoms like lethargy, loss of appetite, and inflamed gills.
  • Fin Rot and Tail Rot: These are bacterial infections that cause the edges of the fins and tail to appear ragged and decayed. Poor water quality and stress can make Congo Puffers more susceptible to these conditions.
  • Dietary Issues: Congo Puffers require a varied diet including snails, crustaceans, and worms. A diet lacking in variety or essential nutrients can lead to health issues like vitamin deficiencies and obesity.
  • Internal Parasites: Like many fish, Congo Puffers can suffer from internal parasites, which can cause weight loss, bloating, and abnormal feces. These are often introduced through live or frozen foods.
  • Skin and Gill Flukes: These are small parasites that attach to the skin, gills, or both, causing irritation, increased mucus production, and difficulty breathing.
  • Fungal Infections: Poor water conditions can lead to fungal growth on the skin or gills, appearing as white or grayish patches.

Preventing these health issues involves maintaining high water quality through regular water changes, monitoring water parameters (like ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels), providing a balanced diet, and minimizing stress by ensuring proper tank size, compatible tank mates (if any), and adequate hiding places. It’s also important to quarantine new fish before introducing them to your main tank to prevent the spread of diseases. If your Congo Puffer does show signs of illness, prompt identification and treatment are crucial. Treatments may include water conditioners, antibiotics, antiparasitic medications, or changes in diet, depending on the specific issue.


Breeding Congo Puffers in captivity is considered challenging, but it’s not impossible for dedicated hobbyists. These unique freshwater puffers are known for their interesting behavior and stunning appearance, but they require specific conditions to thrive and potentially breed. Here’s an overview of what’s generally known about breeding Congo Puffers:

Setting Up the Breeding Tank

  • Tank Size and Setup: A spacious tank is required, as Congo Puffers are territorial. A single pair might require a tank of at least 40 gallons to ensure enough space. The tank should have a soft substrate, hiding places, and plants to mimic their natural environment and reduce stress.
  • Water Parameters: Maintain water quality with parameters close to their natural habitat—slightly acidic to neutral pH (6.0-7.5), temperature around 76-82°F (24-28°C), and soft to moderately hard water. Regular water changes and a good filtration system are crucial to keep the water clean and parameters stable.
  • Diet: Offer a varied diet rich in nutrients. Congo Puffers are carnivorous and appreciate live or frozen foods such as worms, snails, and small fish. A nutritious diet is essential for health and conditioning for breeding.

Breeding Behavior and Conditions

  • Sexing Congo Puffers: Sexing these puffers can be difficult as there are no obvious external differences between males and females. Experienced hobbyists may notice subtle differences in body shape or behavior.
  • Conditioning for Breeding: To encourage spawning, gradually increase the temperature and feed high-quality, live foods. Some hobbyists suggest mimicking a rainy season with frequent water changes and slightly cooler water, then gradually warming it up.
  • Spawning: If a pair is ready to spawn, they might display a change in behavior, such as becoming more territorial or the male chasing the female. Spawning typically occurs on a flat surface or in a secluded area of the tank.
  • Egg Care: Parents may or may not show parental care. In some cases, it might be necessary to remove the eggs to a separate incubation tank to prevent them from being eaten. The eggs should be kept in similar water conditions with gentle aeration to prevent fungal growth.

Challenges and Considerations

  • Aggression: Congo Puffers can be aggressive towards each other, especially in confined spaces. Careful observation is necessary to prevent harm.
  • Rare Breeding: Successful captive breeding of Congo Puffers is rare and not well-documented. Much of the advice is based on anecdotal evidence and the practices used for breeding other pufferfish species.
  • Fry Care: If you successfully hatch the eggs, the fry will require tiny, live foods and excellent water quality to grow.

Given the complexities involved, breeding Congo Puffers is usually attempted by advanced aquarists who can dedicate time and resources to understanding and meeting the specific needs of these fish. Joining specialized forums or groups can provide valuable insights and support from experienced breeders.

Congo Puffer (Tetraodon miurus): Species Profile & Care Guide - Fish Laboratory (2024)


How big of a tank does a Congo puffer need? ›

The tank should be approximately 80cm (31.5 inches) x 35cm (13.78 iches), with a height of 40cm (15.75 inches) for a single Tetraodon schoutedeni. This translates to a tank volume of approximately 112 litres or 29.6 US gallons.

Are spotted congo puffers poisonous? ›

Like all members of the genus Tetraodon, the Congo puffer is capable of inflating itself with water or air when stressed or otherwise frightened. It also has a deadly toxin like most species.

How hard are puffer fish to take care of? ›

In contrast to more common pet fish, puffer fish require very good water quality, a lot of aquarium space, and a good diet. They're definitely not starter pets. You'll need to remain with your puffer fish often, as it requires feeding once a day, and possibly more if it is kept around other fish.

What size tank for Tetraodon puffer? ›

The height of the aquarium is not as important as the footprint because the fish will seldom use the higher areas of the tank, but the tank should be at least 30cm (11.81 inches) tall. This translates to a tank volume of approximately 72 Litres (19.02 US gallons).

Can a puffer fish live in a 20-gallon tank? ›

To make sure they have enough space to escape the male's attention, you can try three puffers in a 10-gallon aquarium or six to seven in a 20-gallon tank.

Can you have 2 puffers in one tank? ›

If you want to keep more than one puffer together - it is often safer to keep a diodon with a arothron. Puffers can live together for many years and one day you may come home to find one injured - especially if they are the same species.

Is it safe to touch a puffer fish? ›

The pufferfish's skin is covered in spines and spikes, which are exceedingly hazardous. Carry a toxin called tetrodotoxin (TTX), which is deadly to other fish and humans. You should avoid touching a pufferfish, especially if it is "puffed out." Your hands could be damaged and you could die.

Are puffer fish harmless? ›

Most pufferfish contain a toxic substance that makes them foul tasting and potentially deadly to other fish. The toxin is deadly to humans. There is enough poison in one pufferfish to kill 30 adult humans, and there is no known antidote.

Is puffer fish poison to eat? ›

As pufferfish contain a deadly poison, improper preparation will result in food poisoning and can lead to death. Do not attempt to prepare pufferfish unless you are a profession and do not allow other non-professionals to attempt to prepare pufferfish.

Can I keep a puffer fish as a pet? ›

Looking for an unusual addition to your marine aquarium? Maybe a pufferfish is the right choice for you. There's a reason so many aquarists like to keep pufferfish as a pet: these strange-looking fish are not just known for their ability to inflate, but also for their high intelligence levels and interesting behavior.

Do puffer fish recognize their owners? ›

It might be their funky pattern, but more likely it's down to puffers' amazing personalities. Highly intelligent, they can develop a real bond with their owners and recognize who feeds them.

Do puffer fish need friends? ›

Some species, like Dwarf, Redeye and Golden Puffers, can be kept together or with other fast-moving fish like danios. Others, such as Mekong, Nile and Mbu Puffers, must be kept solitary. For the most part, freshwater puffers should be considered species tank fish.

Can 2 puffers live together? ›

I've had two Valentini Puffers in the same tank before. If the aquascape is busy they should be fine. You need enough things for them to peck on without competing for the same pecking post(s).

How many puffer fish can live together? ›

In other words, it is possible to keep three puffers in a 10-gallon tank and six to seven puffers in a 20-gallon tank, but your rate of success depends on how well you set up their environment. If the tank is mostly bare without a lot of cover, expect to see a pufferfish battle zone.

How big do Congo puffers get? ›

Maximum Standard Length. 6″ (15cm).

Can I keep 3 pea puffers in a 10 gallon tank? ›

If you want to keep more than one, the general rule of thumb is to provide five gallons of water for the first puffer and three gallons of water for each additional puffer.

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